update on vertigo situation (repost from main board)

on 11/12/06 12:07 am - My Own Private World
Hi all. No secret here, I've suffered with vertigo since Easter, and it has definately had it's grip on me. I lost a job because all the tests were coming back negative. And other tests had long wait times due to speciality need (hence why I am posting an update now). I'm not saying that this is a reason for everyone who gets dizzy on this board (heck, I'm going to law school, not medical school) But it is enough to open eyes to concerns being post op. So, I finally got my visual field test done about 3 weeks ago, and met with the opticitian this past Tuesday (and no, this is not over yet). My visual field came back with some abnormality, and so she is sending me for a more extensive visual field test in downtown Seattle. That will be on Dec 4. Also, when I seen her, she dialated my eyes and did a tunnel vision thing. I could not see objects in my pervificial vision field. There is also some scar tissue on my optic nerve (how that got there I do not know). Ok, so why did I say this may be a post op concern. Well, she believes that I am suffereing from malabsorbition with the vitamins necessary for the optic nerves. I do take a multivitamin, iron, b12 (daily), calicum, fiber, potasseum. I also happen to have had my 1 yr bloodwork done this past week, same day I was at the opticitrian. I'll update when I have more information on my situation. Bright Blessings M
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