A Year Ago Today...
On Nov 7, 2005, I began this journey to a healthier me by having WLS.
A year ago today, my diabetes was out of control on 4 injections a day and 345 U insulin with a HbA1C 9-9.5%. Today I'm on only 2 injections a day and 14 U of insulin with normal blood glucose and normal HbA1C of 4.1%.
A year ago today, I was on Lipitor for high cholesterol and 2 blood pressure meds. Today I am on one blood pressure med and have normal lipids.
A year ago today, I would wake up in the middle of the night, coughing and gasping for breath and with burning in my throat due to acid reflux. Today I no longer wake up in the middle of the night (unless I have to pee from all tha****er, LOL)!
A year ago today, I could not walk more than 50 feet without having to rest my back due to intense pain, shortness of breath, and sweating. I couldn't take more than one trip down the driveway at a time with the garbage without resting between trips (or DRIVING it down in the car!). I couldn't walk through an airport without stopping at each gate to rest and wipe the sweat out of my eyes. Today I walk two miles at a time with no pain, sweating, or shortness of breath.
A year ago today, I would play with the dog on the floor and wonder how I'd get up off the floor. Today we play on the floor carefree.
A year ago today I couldn't cross my legs without kicking the person next to me because my leg was parallel to the floor! Today, when I cross my legs, my feet are perpendicular to the floor.
A year ago today, I would go into a restaurant with booths eyeing them up wondering if I'd fit into that small space between the table and the seat bench. Today I no longer have that worry.
A year ago today, I always had a spare toilet seat handy just in case. I haven't broken any more toilet seats or chairs in the past year.
A year ago today, I would enter a room feeling I was the fattest person in the room (and I usually was) with low self-confidence and self-image. Today, my self-image and self-confidence are improving, but still a work in progress.
A year ago today, I lied about my weight. Today I don't have to (except to my Mom who thinks I've lost enough!).
A year ago today, I would turn down invitations for social functions because of my weight. Today I'm so busy and actually have a social life.
For me, WLS was all about health and quality of life, not the number on the scale or the size of my pants.
It's been quite a year. I sincerely thank all my friends here for your support! And now on to the major challenge of MAINTENANCE!