1 year ago today
I was in the hospital being prepped for surgery. I was scared, cried, wondered if I would even wake up again. I did wake up again. I had a tube up my nose, and a binder around my mid section, as well as a cathider. I wasn't feeling any pain, but I was extremely groggy. I remember wanting a drink, but they wouldn't let me have one. At best, I could use swabs on my lips (like I didn't cheat). I also had to breathe into an apparatus, to keep my lungs strong, and I wanted to get those dumb things off my legs. My stay was ok, with the exception of one night nurse.
Now, here I am, 1 year later, I've lost a whole average person (151lbs), and fit in size 18 jeans, and a size large top. I can also walk up a flight of stairs without needing an ambulance afterwards. I'm feeling 10 years younger, and can keep up with my son. We went trick or treating last night, and I went up and down 9 flights of stairs 3 stories each. thats alot of stairs.
Anyway, I just wanted to share a bit of my story. Hope everyone else has a great surgerversy this month.
Bright Blessings
I celebrate with you sister! A year later... wow I still can't belive it.
It has been an amazing journey... a few tears.. a lot of changes and a load of support.
Still can't belive that I went from a size 24 to a size 6. lost 1/2 my body weight... still feels like a dream
Your right.. we are very blessed!

Congrats sisters. You have both done soo good. I have lost 106 lb and i am stuck. i have gone from 270 to 164 and cant seem to get kick started again. I eat mostly protien and drink a ton of water, take my vitimans etc. must be a true platau ?sp
you are both doing so well i am so proud of you. Good Luck.. lets home our next year is full of as many pleasant and exciting things as this past one. Carla