Vitamin question
Almost 11months out you'd think I'd have this vitamin thing down. I feel like I take in too many vitamins in a one day period. It seems like my entire day is spent taking vitamins! I'm thankful atleast one of them (B12) I get to take in shot
What and how much do you all take in on any given day? Thank you!!
3 prescrpt. meds
1 Iron
2 Fiber
1 Potassium
1 B6
1 BComplex
1 Multi vitamin
2 Cinnamon
2 GNC Hair and Nail
1 Cranberry
2 Folic Acid
2 Calcium chews

I think it depends on what our bodies need. I have to take a few more than others and were prescribed by my wls surgeon and my rheumotologist.
Mine are:
2 multi-vitamins
2 calcium citrate
1 iron
1 zinc
1 choline & inositol
1 B-12 complex w/folic acid
1 colms forte (for insomniacs, much better than taking ambien)
Gee, I only take a few, maybe I'm wrong..all daily takes
1 multivitamin
3 calcium citrate
1 iron
1 b-12
Bright Blessings
Hey Amanda all of those vitamins are you sure you really need to take all of them. I do have vitamin deficiances and still dont take that many.
My vitamins are:
2 multivitamin
6 Iron equalling 176mg( Anemia)
4 calcium citrate( 1600mg)
B-12 ( once a week) 1000mcg
100mg B1
Daily requirement of diet:
100ounces of water
100 grams of protein
20 grams of fat
less than 30 grams of carbs