Post your success!
Day of surgery weight...392.00
Lbs from goal (or are you at goal?)...20 (or 35 to MY goal)
Top size pre-op...4X
Bottom size pre-op...30/32
Biggest positive change other than weight/size...I am more confident in myself and my life
Biggest not so positive change other than weight/size...I'm always cold and I need to purchase some cleavage (ha!)
Best WOW to date...When I visit people who haven't seen me and now they look at me not my weight.
YOu really find out who your friends are. Who liked you before and who only like you because they aren't embarrased to be seen with you.
Congrats to all
Stephanie taylor
Hi Christine! Here goes!
Day of surgery weight...285
Lbs from goal (or are you at goal?)...1 lb BELOW goal!
Top size pre-op...3-4X, 26-28
Today...S-M, 10-12
Bottom size pre-op...3X, 24-26
Today...S, 10!
Biggest positive change other than weight/size...My blood sugars are normal on 95% less insulin; I had WLS specifically for my diabetes.
Biggest not so positive change other than weight/size...Gas and feeling cold!
Best WOW to date...Wearing a size 10 jeans with NO elastic!
Quite a year for all!
Day of surgery is was 225
Today i am 122
That is 2 lbs under goal but i'm happy.
Tops were xl or 20
Now x-small
Bottoms were 20-22
Now size 2 (never been a 2 in my life)
My biggiest change is my self confidence and i am truley happy with my life and yesterday i played on the trampoline with my son with no problems i also let him drive me on the 4 wheeler into the woods. Someting i wouldn't have done last year because i was too heavy to fit on that thing.
I too am always cold and everyone thinks i'm crazy. I fdid look into new boobs and can't wait to get
My best wow moments are when i see people i have known forever and they don't know who i am. I was always the fat girl. ( NOT ANYMORE. )
Thanks for letting me share with you all...
Well, I've kinda already posted this, but I'll do it again, so it's in this thread as well:::
Day of Surgery - 411 lbs
As of 30 Sept - 264 lbs
Lbs from goal.....Hummmm, depends if you mean my goal or surgeons goal....
for surgeons goal it would be about 34-39 lbs (surgeon told me pre op I would get to about 220-225) My goal, more like 89 lbs to go....Not going to let it get to me though.
Top size pre-op 3X or 26-28 in tee shirt stylye, 32 in shirt style
bottom sizepre-op 3X cotton "stretch" pants. Jeans were only a dream.
Top size 16W tee shirt style 18W shirt style
Bottom 20W jeans, 16-18 cotton "stretch" style pants, size 18 skirt.
shoe size 12W preop
shoe size 11D today
ring size was 14, close to a 10 now, but have not had jewelry sized yet (wearing a pinkie ring which is a size 10 on my ring finger)
bra size preop 48DD
post op bra size 36D
underwear pre op size 14
today underwear size 8 (hipsters, woo hoo)
Biggest positive change other than weight/size....That I am able to go out and do things, and not be afraid of stairs or hills when I'm out walking. I went to the zoo on mother's day, and walked as much as my friend who is 5'2" and 102lbs. I was tired, but not "dying" in 200 feet.
Biggest not so positive change....Yes, I notice I'm always cold too. I thought it was in my head...guess not....Oh, and the hanging skin thing....I'm going to audition for the new Batgirl movie, and not need the batwings part of the costume...UGH.....can we say plastics....
Best Wow to date....Gee, seeing the scale leave the 300# mark (going onto a regular scale for that matter). also, the reactions of people who don't see me that son's pediatrician who used to be my pcp (before we had a falling out), didn't know I had the surgery, and when I took my son in May for his 4 yr checkup, the dr comes in, and starts to introduce himself to me, like we had Never Met...after a double take from him, he realized he did know me, and told me how great I looked. That was a wow moment in itself.
there are others, but that one is one of the best.
Best funny moment (not in the original post, but you need to hear this)
My 4 year old son says to everyone that his mommy is going to be a kid again because she is shrinking. In my house, I keep complaining because my clothes are all getting too big on me, and that I'm shrinking out of my clothes, so my son decided that I'm going to get smaller in all ways, including height and age....gotta love him..
Anyway, Happy Surgiversary All.
Lets go Celebrate....
Blessed Be
First of all I want to congratulate all of you on our upcoming 1 year anniversary! Congrats Christine on all that you have achieved.
Dave of surgery weight: 250 (prior to low fat diet 274)
Today: 147
I would like to get down below 140. My ULTIMATE goal would be around 130.
Top size preop 3x
Today Misses 10 or L or M depending on brand - can vary greatly
Bottom size preop 24 I would say
Today size 10 and they are getting loose. Even though I haven't lost any weight in a few months, my size 10 are getting bigger. Go figure.
Biggest positive change is my confidence to go look for a job and getting one that I know I would not have been hired for 1 year ago because of my size. (That is sad too) Same brain, different body. I am not out of breath anymore, can keep up with anyone else. I FEEL good. I have been blessed that I have not had one complication since surgery. Yes, throwing up here and there early on. Yes, still get food stuck in my chest from eating too much or too fast. Yes, having problems with something that I didn't realize had a lot of surgar in or eating something before protein and getting woozy. I take all these and log them in my brain and learn from it.
I still can't get over being able to try clothes on that actually fit and might even have to get a smaller size!
I am always cold too. But I am going through menopause too so I get hot just as fast.
Yes - I do have a lot of skin. It really does not bother me as much as it could. I don't like my arms and have absolutely no boobage. If I had plastic surgery I would do my arms first. I had really huge arms and most of my skin hanging is there. Then my boobies. I am not TOO concerned with my stomach, butt and legs. If I was younger I would want to have all that done. But it is not something I dwell on. I don't really hate how I look, I just feel bad that my husband has to look at it. Weird huh? In clothes, NO ONE can tell that I had surgery. I am just happy that I am healthy again. But like I said, if I was younger it would be a different story.
I wish my mother could have lived long enough to see the results of my surgery. She had a huge issue with my twin and I's weight. To let you know how much of an issue, even when I weighed 118 as a teen she wanted me to get down to 100 lbs before she would let me go to a family vacation. I STARVED myself down to 108 and my body said no more! She reluctantly let me go. hm...
I wasn't heavy heavy until my second child was born at 28. For 19 years I battled my weight.
The battle is over and joy has set in.
Many best wishes and blessings to all of you. Happy Anniversary!!
Janna B.
I can't believe it's been a year! I have gotten so use to my new life that I forget a year ago I was 240 and my husband who is going in for RNY on Nov. 2nd makes me remeber what I went through last year it's hard to's a blur! I have loved every moment of this year though! Every day was and still is a learning experience !
Day of surgery 240lbs
Today 141lbs Lost 99lbs!!!!!!!!!!!
At Goal!!! But 5lbs from my goal of 135lbs However I have learned to not have a weight goal but more physical walking a mile in 10 mins etc.
Day of Surgery shirt size XXL
Today Medium
Day of Surgery pant size 22
Today size 10 are loose but I'm not in an 8 yet
All the changes have been positive this year!!! I have no loss or complaints at all!!!!! I would do this 20 times over if I had to!!
WOW moment was when I could look down and see my feet with "sucking it in"
I can not beleive it's almost been a year, wow it has flown by!
Weight preop- 270
Current weight-169
My personal goal-140
DR's goal-170
pants- 26/28
tops-16/18 or XL
Positive changes~ I just feel so much better in my own skin and there's just so much more I can do.
Not positive~ my boobs have went AWOL but the butt never left. LOL If those are the worst things that happen, I'll take it!