not losing in a few months
i was wondering if stress can make one stall on their weight loss? (ive also posted this to the main board)
see my dear mom passed away on august 9th and i havent lost anything since- but i havent gained either so im at least glad bout that.
i do get some exercise walking round the campus when i go to school but i know i should b doing more. i also know i should b getting more protein.
pls no flaming as ive had a hard enough 2 months (was even put in the hospital over all this stress and such) but im worried ill never get to my dr's goal. ive still got 95 lbs to go!!!!
I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your mom. Stress always slows my weight loss. I don't know if it's a chemical reaction within my body that holds on to the fat during stressful times or if I let my eating slip during those times. By the time I get back into using to see if it's an eating issues, it's usually resolves itself within a few days and I start losing again.
Start using (or if you prefer) and journal everything you're eating and your exercise. It should help give you insight where you maybe need to make changes to kickstart the fat burner again.
Also, exercise releases all sorts of good endorphins, so the more you do it, the better you'll feel and it's a great way to channel some of your grief into something positive. I do some of my best reflecting while on the treadmill
thanks bout my mom. ive really been taking it hard.
ive taken ur advice and started using fitday again (started yesterday) and i also started a plateu buster diet. so hopefully things will get moving again. ur right that i havent been eating right lately. i just havent had an appetite.
i will try to up my exercise as i know i should.
thanks again and ill let yall know how things go!
10.5 months
-100 lbs

Hi Lisa,
From reading your profile it sounds like you haven't been eating much or well in the last couple of months. Not getting adequate nutrition can slow your loss and put your body into starvation mode where it tries to store calories instead of burning them.
I was so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm hoping everything will get back on track for you soon and you WILL meet your goals.
thanks for the reply and bout my mom. its really been hard and today is the 2 month anniversary
i started using fitday and also started a plateu buster diet yesterday so hopefully with getting all my protein in and all ill see some results. now i just gotta get off my lazy depressed butt and exercise lol
but thanks again and i really appreciate it!
ill b keeping in touch.

I am in the same boat as you. My father died July 28th and I have lost 5 lbs right after I returned home but nothing since. I also think it has something to do with the greiving process. I know my doctor thinks my body is in a state of depression. I also know that my activity hasnt been the same and my all around life hasnt been the same emotionally. Our emotions are linked to the dopamin and saratonin levels and all of them have to play with our body chemistry. We are also almost a year our, my sugeon said to keep the carbs to 30 grams a day to help with the weight loss. We will see I am going to start on that tomorrow. If you want to talk email me hun.
thanks for the reply amy
im sorry bout ur dad. i think i might have lost some inches cause im down a size in clothes but nothing in lbs. i am so afraid im gonna fail with this surgery and i really dont want that. ive worked to hard so far. good luck with the carbs-- ive had trouble eating enough to lose.