Back to Basics
Hello all my November people!
We all have struggles along the way. I just wanted to share mine in case someone else was going through the same thing. I have managed to gain 6 of the 119 pounds I lost back. Taking me from 210 to 216
. Yes...I cried. I DON'T NEED nor do I WANT ADVICE. I'm a smart cookie and I'm going back to basics. If you are lurking and having this problem and too scared or embarassed to tell us about it...just know you are NOT alone. I know I will be just fine but it takes work.

Thank you. I'm open and honest and hopefully it will benefit one other person. I started my period and have been having female problems (mentioned in previous posts) so I know when I break out the scale this Saturday that it should be moving back in the downward direction. I'm sure I was retaining some fluid. Still it was a wake up call that I need not be lacking in my basic life skills for getting to and maintaing a healthy weight.

Hey Miss T!!! I am so happy that I saw your post. On Monday I made a decision to "go back to the basics" on Sept 1st, tomorrow, so that I can get back on track. The past couple of months have been very stressful and I lost touch with my journey. I have not gained any but I have been stuck at a 95lbs lost for a month or so! Many Blessings to you and please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. WE WILL MAKE IT!!!!!

Hey there Tonya!
You know what....I'm soooo happy that you could relate. I've been open about my journey because if I can help just one other person...then it's all worth it to me. We started around the same weight so I think we are on identical tracks. You're right...we will make it. It's not a race but a journey.
Thanks for made me smile today!