Dizzy - Equilibrium Issues
I had a laproscopic gastric bypass on Nov 14, 2005 and I have lost 128 lbs and have 26 more to go to reach my goal weight. On the whole I have been incredibly healthy and have felt great through all of this - however - I am starting to have more frequent issues with extreme dizziness. When thi****s I have trouble walking in a straight line and I get terrible "bedspins". With the dizziness comes an upset stomach and yesterday I actually threw up - only the second time since surgery. Has anyone else experienced symptoms like this? I have a call into my doctor this morning to discuss this further, but I wanted to see if anyone out here had any personal experience with this.
thanks - Sue
In addition, have your doc check your BP when moving from a sitting to vertical position. Low BP is a common post-op problem. When my mom was about 22 months post-op, she spent 5 days in the hospital and code blue'd 3 times while she was there. Now she's on meds to keep her BP high enough.
Hi Susan,
I had my surgery on Nov 17th, 2005. I've lost a total of 200#'s (133 since surgery) I have been getting lightheaded, and dizzy lately too. I was shopping with my daughter and actualy passed out in the store. I have an appointment on Tuesday for blood work and to see if they can find out what's going on with me. I hope you feel better soon. Please let me know what your Dr. tells you.
God bless you,