Move it to lose it thur
So this morning is the Gym morning. I had been riding my bike there but was running late so I drove my car. Get done working out in a hurry so dh can go to work. walk to my car I HAVE A FLAT TIRE! ugh. New I should have rode the bike. but anyway.....
pushed myself to 40 min on eliptical. (since i didnt ride my bike) did 200 situps and did extra sets of weights on arms and legs. Normally I do this all on the exercise ball and there is no mirror to see how Im doing. but this morning the gym was empty so I could move to the mirror. Damn my arms have muscles!!!!! real actual muscles! Now if the wings were not there they would look really good.
I hope next week when I am on vacation in atlanta that I keep up and keep running and not use the humidity, or time change as an excuse to not exercise! Please pray for me! im on a roll and dont want to stop! lol
talk to you soon
235/139/125 oh yea lost another pound this week. Not bad 4 lbs in 2 weeks thats my monthy average. Guess going to see inlaws is motivation!lol