I'm BACK and Update
Hello My surgery sisters and brothers from Nov 2005!
I haven't been posting on this board the past two months, and limited on my VA board, but I have missed you all and read postings when possible. Here's an update from Tammy's world:
April 1: Started new job
April 5: First night of my LAST class needed to complete my MBA
April 7: Husband fell through attic, shashed his lower leg, ankle, and foot, requiring surgery and two hospital stays over a two week period.
April 10: Mother-in-law came from NJ to help take care of hubby and stayed with us for the next two weeks.
Late May: Husband given ok to drive and BACK TO WORK
Yesterday: Last night of my Last class needed to complete my MBA (YEAH), went to doctor due to a swollen shut eye (infected) only to discover that I now weight 198!! Onderland and Century Club... HERE I AM!
My eye is still swollen shut, and uncomfortable, but yesterday was so exciting, I didn't care. Oh, and no more high blood pressure medicine either!
I hope everyone is ready for a FANTASTIC summer
301/198/150... or less
surgery date/yesterday/my goal
Yep, crazy busy, but happy and getting healier every day. Hubby is getting better but it's a looooong process as the doctor basically had to rebuild his lower leg and ankle area with 16 pins and 2 plates.
Thanks for the prayers for the eye. Such a weird thing... and you can't mess with your eyes! Sight is a precious thing. I ended up being out of work 2 days. Today it's finally less swollen so that I can use both eyes to see.
Congratulations on your success!