Wow! Wow!! WOW MOMENTS!!!! Spring top 10 - SHARE YOURS!
These Top 10 "WOW!" moments ALL happened to me in May/June.
1. has a weight tracker & they plot your weight progress on a chart. It stops at 250. If you're over that, all it says is "weight: off the chart". Really... that's what it says. Not for me, NOT ANY MORE! Today I turned 249 and i'm now ON THE CHART!! 6 months ago I was 376 lbs. Being under 250 means I can go which I WILL be doing this summer!!!
2. I went white water rafting last week. That's a "Wow" in itself, but what's even better, is that I didn't need the biggest wetsuit they make! I didn't even need the 2nd biggest or the 3rd biggest.
3. I went to Disneyworld, must have walked over 20 miles, and never ONCE did I get hot, sweaty, achy or tired. I never had to sit down or try 'n catch up with the rest. I went on EVERY RIDE at EVERY PARK and didn't even need the seats designed for bigger people. Not only did the airplane seatbelt fit, I had to make it smaller. I had room between my hip and my mom to put a purse.
4. I'm in a size ----20----- !!! The sweetest woman from here, ~Kim~, just sent me her gorgeous clothes today, and I didn't realize I was a 20 until I tried hers on. 6 months ago, I was a 32/34. I haven't been a 20 since freshman year of HS.
5. Today I became obese. Yesterday I was "extremely obese". 6 months ago, I was "super obese". I'm thrilled to be obese. 20 BMI points GONE forever.
6. I have a collar bone. I don't even have to strain to be able to see it.
7. Average size necklaces, bracelets, watches and anklets fit. I can wear whatever jewelry I want. I lost 2 ring sizes. I don't wear a "wide" shoe anymore. Baseball hats fit now. Funny where you lose weight!!!
8. I stood right in front of all of my family two weeks ago with nephew in tow... mom, dad, aunts, uncles & grandmother. NONE of them recognized/acknowledged me until I said something & took off my sunglasses.
9. Literally every single piece of clothing I owned 6 months ago is no longer wearable and I gave it all away last week.
10. Had two parties, saw family I haven't seen since the summer, and I got lots of screams, hugs, kisses, tears.
Quite a month, eh? Unbelievable. Freakin unbelievable - I love life. I know lots of people here started this journey at what I weigh now (almost 250) but considering where I was, I'm thrilled to be this size and I know Onederland is only a few short months away. Sorry for rambling, I just had to let it all hang out. I'm so overwhelmed right now.
Please, share your top 10!!! Summer is here, it'll be a LOT different for all of us this year!
1.cross my legs,AND tuck my foot behind the other you know what i mean?
like double cross my legs
2. Fly into a store and grab a pair of size 10s and KNOW they will fit!!! had to do that last week for work...needed a new pair of pants......before it would have taken me an hour to find "the right fit"
3. RUN up and down the stairs
4.Stop after 1 slice of pizza......before I would have eated the whole pie!!
5. Wearing size 11 JUNIOR JEANS............with flairs and low waist and people not reconzing me!!!!! This weekend someone thought i was my younger sister!!! shes 24!!
6.not scared to go to parties..actually excited to show myself off!!
7. waitressing!!! love my job soooooooo much!!! would never ever of done it at 266
8.HAVING CHOICES............of what to wear, what to eat etc etc....before I felt trapped
9.Liking the way I look, I love to look in the mirror, and see howfar ive come
10. this is horrible, but I like when others take a second look my way.........NEVER HAPPENED when I was 266........people looked AWAY........I like to be noticed.........I am here world!!!
Thanks Angela for allowing me to remember the reasons why I had WLS in the first place......
AMEN on crossing your legs! I ABSOLUTELY know what you mean and I noticed the same thing last week when I was sitting all funky on the couch - Brian even commented on the leg crossings & the positions I can get into now. (OK, I DID mean that in a clean way but I suppose it works either way you look at it. LOL!). Isn't it great to WANT to go to parties instead of being ashamed to show up? Or to look at yourself in the mirror & actually like who's looking back at you?
To Bethany and all my other surgery sisters who might ever question their decisions or begin to lose perspective: You've come soooo far and have done SO well. Try not to forget why you had this done - The little every day things you experience now, things that may be on your top 10, top 15, top 50... should help you to remember why you had this surgery. It helped you live and love life!
1. Hit ONDERLAND AND CENTURY CLUB when I hit 198, yes, 198... first time in 23 years!
2. Crossin' legs all the time.
3. Family didn't recognize me at reunion Memorial Day
4. Lady at church commented that I look like my DAUGHTER'S younder sister!!
5. Slipping through small spaces without having to SQUEEEEEEZE
6. My hubby said I have "skinny" legs!
7. Shopping ANYWERE I want for clothes
8. Being an inspriation to people I love
9. Wearing my mom's hand-me-downs... she had WLS 13 years ago and wears a petite large or medium!
10. No more blood pressure medicine.
I'm so thankful that I feel better and have more energy to do whatever!
Thanks so much for sharing your WOW moments... Onderland will be here for ya, you are almost there!