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on 2/11/09 2:49 am - Vinton, IA
Topic: RE: Iron deficieny
 I am currently experiencing a severe iron deficiency... my ferritin level is currently at 14, down from 168 two months ago.  I am on my second round of IV venofer and it does not seem to be staying with me.  I am told by the hematologist that my body does not seem to be absorbing iron from ANY source other than the IV... not from food, not from supplements.
Jan M.
on 1/28/09 11:46 pm - Notfarfrombham, AL
Topic: RE: Help
Thanks so much for all the replies, it helps so much to come back and read them.

Susan, yours came just now, but the timeing is excellent, the one sentence that stands out is "stop eating your feelings" that really hit home and tho I knew it, it helps so much to see it in black and white, and without dealing with feelings, nothing else matters.
Thanks so much!
Glitter Text
Susan Hegarty
on 1/28/09 11:32 pm - Easton, PA
Topic: RE: Help
Hi Jan,
I have not been on these boards in about 2 years now.  I started this journey at about 400 lbs.  I remember being that heavy and how sad I was inside.  When we made the decision to have this surgery it was not for an easy way out, but for help in getting where we need to be.  I am not at my goal "yet", but I will get there eventually.  Like everyone I lost fast at first, I went down to 260 lbs, but after about 18 months I started gaining.  The reason I gained is because I ate and grazed constantly and stopped exercising.  Before I knew it, I was up to 310 lbs and none of my clothes for me.  I was horrified and saw everything I worked for going down the drain.  I really had to dig deep inside and make a decision to take control of my life.  After all, I didn't have major surgery and alter my organs to wind up back where I started and wonder how I got there.  About 6 months ago I made a decision to change my life FOR REAL!  I joineed a gym and threw out all the unhealthy food in my home.  I did alot of nutritional research and went on a 1500 calorie diet.  Working out is very hard when you are overweight, but I became focused and diligent.  I started with 10 minutes on the treadmill and light circuit training.  I worked up to 40 minutes of cardio 6 days a week and circuit training 3x a week and I walk at lunch almost every day for 2-3 miles.  It's not easy getting up at 5am to go to the gym; but so far I have lost 62 lbs, I am down to 248lbs and feel wonderful.  I look forward to the gym now and am experincing feelings of confidence, joy and a sense of accomplishment...things I have never felt before.  I have quite a way to go to get to goal, but I WILL get there, one pound at a time.  And it's ok if I am not perfect.  
There is a point to this long  It is very simple and it is what I tell myself daily.  Get off the counch, get off the pitty pot, stop looking for the easy way out and JUST DO IT!  If you do not take control of your life and stop eating your feelings you will not  turn it around.  Replace the negatives with positives.  When you are feeling sad, take a walk... or call a girlfriend.  There is no secret cure or magic answer.  Let's face it.  Losing weight is hard!!!  But it is so worth it.  
on 12/14/08 2:44 pm - Riverbank, CA
Topic: RE: New Year coming....back on track!
Hey there.  Welcome back.

I, too, have struggled. Life has a way of carrying us off in new directions. I definitely recommend getting back on track. Recall the early days post-op with liquids, protein focus, and water intake.

I recently went for my yearly follow-up, went through testing, and found I have a hernia. I will be headed towards a revision should all go smoothly. However, I have also gone back to a few stress eating moments and regained. Since my follow-up, I have returned to the basics and managed to lose a few pounds even ~ 8 so far ~ not bad for the amount I have regained. My pouch didn't even appear to be a pouch on the UGI scan conducted.

You may want to have the test to verify that your anatomy is okay. Some regain might be physical not mental or personal loss of "willpower."

Hang in there! Congratulations on your recent anniversary. Happy Holidays!!!  We're still here for support ~ Keep checkin' in....
Patti N
on 12/13/08 10:11 am - AA county, MD
Topic: RE: Just wanted to drop in and say hi.........
Hi Jan,
I'm Patti and I too am struggling with the weight thing, though I have gaine a bit more than 10 lbs....times it by 3.  I too suffer from depression and insomnia could it get any worse? 

Any way....I really don't have many friends,  one that I work with that has just had the surgery about 2 months ago, but because we are at different ends of the spectrum her being new at thsi and steadily loosing and me years out and struggling to get what I have gained off and keep it off....I don't want to bring a negative aspect to her new experience, so I refrain from talking about it much with her.  I would love to get intouch with people on here again that are going through similar issues.   So if you need a friend to listen and don't mind listening I would love to keep in touch with people in similar situations.  either on here or via email.  

Take care and have a great weekend


Patti N
on 12/13/08 9:56 am - AA county, MD
Topic: New Year coming....back on track!
Hey Everyone.  
Time has just whipped by like it was yesterday....can't believe it has been 4 years.  I have gained 30 lbs back and I am trying to get back on track.  Not only the weight gain, but my labs came back with low iron, calcium, and severly low on  Vit D.   I have just been sliding way off the beaten path and gone back to my old habits.  

I guess my main question  is if anyone has gone through the same thing is  dealing with the same thing, got any advice?   How and what did you do to get back on the healthy road?  I ordered vitamins for bariatric patients and some whey protein powder.  I would love some advice and support as to tell you the truth I am feeling pretty worthless and such a failure at this point.  Could really use someone out there for some moral support. 



(deactivated member)
on 12/10/08 11:25 pm - Menomonee Falls, WI
Topic: RE: Help
Hi Jan-I am really glad I read your post.  The problem is that we have tried every diet and failed.  We blame ourselves.  Surgeons and successful post ops are comfortable blaming us too.  In reality the mechanics of the surgery sometimes are not appropriate for us from the get go.  Stomas can be different sizes and made differently leading to failure in some people.  Bypass lengths that I have read on this site are 30cm (shortest) to 250cm (longest).  I have heard of people with 1/2 oz to 3 oz pouches.  What did you have? Do you even know?  Sometimes I feel the surgeon chooses the wrong specifics for a patient.  The surgery is then inappropriate for that patient and she can't make it work.  Often people have inappropriate revisions as well.  All the "stoma repairs" cost a lot of money and I don't believe they are working.  I am hopeful that the lap band over the rmy proves to work out for people.  First if I were you I would find a Center of Excellence in your area that has an experienced revision surgeon.  I would pursue what physical problem exists.  Too short a bypass, too large a stoma or too large a pouch.  I would then have it fixed.  No time for worrying and getting depressed over it.  Just fix it.  Daisy
on 12/9/08 2:19 am - Honey Brook, PA
Topic: RE: Want to hear something positive
Hi there!  I had my RNY 11/4/04.  I started at 243lbs and am now 137lbs.  I've kept the weight off by sticking to the basics.  I can eat just about anything now but in small amounts.  I take my supplements just about every day (sometimes I forget on the weekends) and fluxuate 5lbs up and down.  The highest I let myself go is 142lbs.  I never want to say that I've lost less than 100lbs (just a number in my head).  I feel really good and healthy.  I wear size 8-10 and am very proud of my success.  IT IS NOT EASY but it is SOOOOOO worth it!


on 12/8/08 11:01 pm - Honey Brook, PA
Topic: RE: Help
You're not the only one who gets down about their weight!  I think we're all in the same boat on occasion.  It's good that you caught yourself after only gaining 35lbs.  Put things in perspective first - look how far you've come from your original pre-surgery weight.  Congratulate yourself again over that achievement - I think that after 4 years we have forgotten to do that for ourselves.  Second, you're right - you just need to get back to basics.  Concentrate on the protein - tuna, chicken, steak and then on salad.  Next add some fruit.  If you're still hungry after all that then go for some carbs.  I can eat anything now but I still can't eat a large portion at a time.  A trick that I've found to curb the sugar cravings that I get is to have some SF hot chocolate.  If you decide that losing those pounds that you put back on isn't worth the effort to you then just stay the same.  Don't gain anymore weight and remember that you are a beautiful, strong and worthy person.  Good luck!!!

Gypsy Blossom
on 11/12/08 2:28 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Help
Hi Jan,

I don't have answers for you but I encourage you to get your profile going and blog about what's going on inside, outside, on the side.. write it down and write down what you think about it because sometimes just getting it out can be help enough. 

I'm four years out today and my weight loss stopped well short of my "goal" -- I still have 65# to go to get there..  and sometimes I still get upset and think "why wasn't I a superachiever?"  Why couldn't I even do THIS? -- well I DID do this.. and 160# ago, I never could have..  recognize your achievements and focus less on what you haven't achieved (YET).  You'll get there.  Your tool is still there.. remember to listen to your body.  Stop eating when you're full (you know that deep breath/sigh you take in the middle of a meal?  that's your body saying, "Hey!  Yoohoo!  I'm full!" set your fork down and find something else to do with your mouth.. talk.. pop in a piece of gum.. sit back and finish your glass of water.. )

Depression.. that's a toughy, though..  contact your surgeon's office and find out about some group therapy.. most surgeons either offer or recommend.  Use it.  You're not a failure if you need help..  Just get help.  You can do it!

Good luck and don't lose hope! 

RNY 11/12/04

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