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Topic: South Shore Mass support meet
Don't want to miss anyone so I am posting this here too.
After hearing from people seems Thursdays are best and that somewhere around 6:00 works.
So how about - Thursday June 6/17 at approx 6:00
Au Bon Pain
Pembroke Mass.
It is right off ex 12 on Rt 3. Form the North take a left and you will see the sign. From the south take a right. It is directly adjacent the 99, on the same side.
All welcome post, pre-op, lab band.
Topic: RE: How much?
I've just hit the 79 pound mark - & was feeling like I was moving a little too slow - am 45 - so I wondered too about the age issue... but I see that there is quite a variance of pounds lost & I am still loosing - at an average of about 2 pounds a week & that's better than I've EVER done - so it's all good. I too can move better, have lost inches gone down 8 clothes sizes - so I have NO complaints

Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
Hi B,
I'm also about 6 1/2 mos (7mos on the 19th).
1. lost 60 lb
2. about 34% gone
3. I'm more mindful about what I eat and exercise is more frequent
4. friend was a little weird pre-surgery but ok now
5. I can get in and out of my little car easier and I'm in a 40C (vs 46DD) and that is really exciting!!
Topic: Has any one here had the lap band
and if so what kind of results are you having?I am not doing so good
i have only lost 30lbs in 6 months.Which is something of course but i had to go for and unfill and now i have stop losing again!!! Just wanted to know how everyone elsa is doing with the band. And if you have any good advise for me.I guess i just need a good kick start again.Thanks for

Topic: RE: How much?
Hi Maureen,
my surgery was 11/19 and I started out at 308 and have lost 60 lbs which is on the low side too, but I'm feeling good about losing inches and I'm getting more exercise. I've seen on the boards that everyone is really different and so weight loss can be dramatically different. I think height, activity, exercise, diet....there are so many variables. You're doing great! Keep up the good work!
Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
Well my annv date isn't till the end of the month on the 29th but I know I will forget by then to do this
So I am just 6 months out. Woo hoo!!! Doesn't it feel longer than 6 or 7 months? It sure does for me!!
1. How much have you lost since your highest weight? My weight at surgery was my highest, so I have lost 114lbs!!
2. What percentage of your excess weight have you lost? (total lost / # of lbs to lose x 100)? 67%
3. What is one major behavioral change you have made since surgery? (and intend to keep as a lifelong habit)? Probably my food choices. I don't struggle or have to really think about what I am going to eat and not going to eat. I have always stuck to the numbers my doctor gave me. Nothing over 10 g of fat (no more that 30 a day) and nothing over 2 grams of added sugar in a meal. At first it was hard to not eat what I wanted, and to select what I need. Now its just second nature. I pray that sticks with me for life.
4. Have you lost a job, long-time friend, significant other since surgery?? Nope I haven't had any of that. Thank goodness. THere are a few friends that I can comfortably share my success with and some other ones that I can tell don't want to hear it. So like someone else said, you do find out who your true friends are.
5. What is the funnest thing you can do now that you couldn't do before surgery??
well....I have been able to do a few more sexual positions that I wouldn't have even tried before!!
Good luck to all of the November babies!!!

Topic: RE: Anyone else weight loss slowing at 6 months?
I am right there with ya.
I still would like to loose 32lbs, but being only 6 months out I keep telling myself that is a good amount of weight to loose in the next 6 months. (trying to make myself feel better) My sister who is 2 years out, says I will continue to loose, but it will get slower and slower as I get closer to my goal. Plus she says not to look at the scales much anymore, because my inches will come off more than the pounds. I am feeling pretty good, and can't complain! Good luck, and God bless!
sz 18/20-sz10/12
lap RNY 11/29/04

Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
OK, OK... since inquiring minds want to know:
1. How much have you lost since your highest weight?
I have lost 90lbs since my highest weight - 75 lbs since surgery.
2. What percentage of your excess weight have you lost? (total lost / # of lbs to lose x 100)?
Have lost 52% of excess weight.
3. What is one major behavioral change you have made since surgery? (and intend to keep as a lifelong habit)?
Drinking water and iced tea constantly -- with NO sugar!!!! that is amazing for me.... now it almost seems routine, and whenever I do stray it seems that the weight just does not come off.
4. Have you lost a job, long-time friend, significant other since surgery??
Some relationships have taken on a whole new dimension - some have gotten stronger while others seem to have faded into the background (my weight loss seems to make some people uncomfortable - as if they now have to deal with me seriously - am no longer invisible).
5. What is the funnest thing you can do now that you couldn't do before surgery??
Laid down on the bed - raised my knees and slid feet up -- could see through a small slit between my legs!!!! WTF!!!! Amazing.... I couldn't do this at any time during my life before - granted it was because everything just hangs --- but my god that is amazing to me!!!
Am looking forward to taking dance lessons or Tai Chi - have always wanted to but never wanted to put myself on such public display.
Congratulations and Good Luck November babies..... keep up the great work.... look forward to more updates as time goes on!!! Will be interesting to see who keeps losing... and how your lives are changed from here on out!
(Sometimes it seems like the weight loss makes me feel vulnerable, exposed, and off-balance - like I don't know where my boundaries are - where I end and the world begins - it is very interesting to me that this is when my weight loss stops for a while and things settle out for a bit - I wonder if I'll ever feel at home in this new body?)
Keep up the good work guys
Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
November 22 surgery for me... so I am 6 1/2 months
1. How much have you lost since your highest weight? 94 since highest weight....74 since surgery
2. What percentage of your excess weight have you lost? (total lost / # of lbs to lose x 100)? 60%
3. What is one major behavioral change you have made since surgery? (and intend to keep as a lifelong habit)? Excercise !
4. Have you lost a job, long-time friend, significant other since surgery?? Nope.. Still have it all
5. What is the funnest thing you can do now that you couldn't do before surgery?? Wear my mom's shirt ! I always considered her a skinny mini-- she was visiting last weekend and left behind a pair of pants and shirt,. and when I saw them I thought I would try them on. The shirt FITS !! The pants are a little tight, but they almost fit too

Topic: How much?
I feel like such a slow loser when I read some of the posts. Although I thank God every day for giving me this tool, and I am so pleased with the results.
I started out at 277.5. I am 5'6 and had surgery on 11/22/04. As of Wednesday, I weighed in at 204. That is 73.5 pounds in a little over six months.
I am 46 years old. I wonder if age is an important factor in weight loss.
ANy other slow losers out there?