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Topic: RE: Bowel Obstruction
Michelle... so sorry to hear that you have had a hard time... hope that all works out for you and you get some relief.... Thanks for sharing that info
Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
My 7 month anniversary is 6/29/05 but since I will be on vacation and unable to email, I will post all of this today which is about 6&1/2 months out.
1. -132 lbs from highest which was 2 months before surgery.
2. 58% so far and on track to lose about 78% of total excess pounds. Since I am only going for around 180 I used that figure to get the 58% mark.
3. Drinking no caffiene and no carbonated drinks. I am not as good as others with the exercise but am doing it. (i still hate it!)
4. A couple of friends that seem to think I am too assertive and not doing what they want me to do now. Guess I shouldn't call them friends anymore. I definitely know who my real friends are and they have stuck with me through the entire process so far.
5. Well as someone else said, I have gotten to experiment with some new sexual positions since the losing has started. Also sitting on my bf's lap as he pulls me down onto his lap all the time. He says he loves to have me that close.
Great work everyone!!
Tulsa OK
Topic: RE: How much?
Hi Maureen,
I think you are right on target. I am almost 5'7", 44 years old, and weighed 271 on day of surgery and have lost 76lbs as of 5/31
Hang in there you are doing great!
Topic: RE: 100 lbs
congratulations!! Way to go. You should be so proud of yourself. You've reached MY goal - hopefully I will reach it soon too!!
Great job!!

Topic: RE: Bowel Obstruction
I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through all of this. What a bummer to say the least. I'm glad that you went and had it checked out and ultimately fixed. You are lucky and now you're on the road to being healthy again. I'm glad to hear that you're up and moving around. Take care and thanks for sharing the symptoms. Hopefully none of us will have to go through what you have just experienced.

Topic: RE: Karryn
Are you looking for me?????
Don't think I've ever chatted with you, but I am still here!!!
Sorry if it's not me your looking for.......
311/183/167 goal

Topic: Bowel Obstruction
On the 8th I will be 7 mnths postop and up until last tuesday I had NO complication. No nausea, no dumping, no problems with food, exercise or getting in my requirements.
Tuesday morning I had what I credited to major gas pains, rumbling and cramping that would come with say menstral cramps, or diarehea (sp). I went to the gym and the lower cramps moved up into my abs after 45 min on tread mil. I work 3rd shift, so I took some Liquid Dulcolax before going to bed, hoping that night I'd move my bowels along. That night I went to work, I had some decaf tea, and finally decided if I ate something it might move. I had a half cup cottage cheeze that took me half hour to eat and it made me queazy and gave me chills and finally made me vomit. Not all at once but a little at a time. I work in a lab and I was curled up on the counter on my side was most comfortable trying to ride the night thru with the cramps and nausea. I got to the point where I had nothing left to throw up, had no fluids or food in me. At 4 am I gave up the fight
9got to work at 10pm), called my supervisor to come in and take over, put a sign on the door and checked myself into the E.R downstairs.
First thing doc said was possible bowel obstruction, lets do an x-ray, if its inconclusion then a ct scan of stomach. After 3 RN's and 7 sticks the doc finally put an IV in my NECK..grr...and gave me anti-naeusea and morphine. X-ray inconclusive, shipped me to main hospital for ct scan.
CT scan showed my "old" stomach as swollen and filled with fluid. Most likely the gastric fluids not draining due to an obstruction at the section where the intestine is reconnected.
Worse case scenario an open incision to explore, but to start with they would go back in my origonal laproscopic scars and look around and see if they could fix it there.
So Thursday morning after 2 days of many episodes of cramps, nausea, dry heaves, morphine...I went into surgery at 8am.
Once again I am very lucky, they were able to fix the adhesion that obstruction my bowel, and also to fix a small hernia. I went home Friday around noon.
I have been waiting over 6 mnths for the "other shoe" to drop, but even now its no where near as bad as others have gone through.
Its Monday and I'm up and moving, took mom to airport this morning.
The natives have been restless for days, no bowel movement from surgery day thursday to sunday. Finally gave into moms suggestion of a suppository, and moved sunday. But now its still grumbling and gassy and painful. Eatting is weird now, I feel my gerd waiting to come back.
My surgeon says basicaly I just got a tune up, nothing was changed or rearranged, just rotor rootered and resewn. So I will give it a few more days and see what surgeon says on the 9th when I have my "offical" 6mnth apt, which will technically be 7 mnths.
I hope all is well with everyone.
Just wanted to share my experience and the onset symptons incase anyone might need that info.
Topic: RE: 100 lbs
I'm so proud of you. I too have lost over a hundred pounds and I know it's not all the operation but hard work also. I have another 70 pounds to lose and hope that I stay faithful as time goes on. Continued praise from someone who right there with you.
Mary Rose
P.S. You look great in your pictures. I wished I had my husband take pictures of my weight loss a long the way.
Topic: RE: 100 lbs
Hiya Brenda,
Congratulations!!! Way to GO! Keep up the good work!!
God bless you and keep you,
Topic: RE: 100 lbs
Congrtas and welcome to the century club. Keep up the great work and remember " LOSING IS WINNING !!!! "