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Topic: RE: How much?
Thanks Surgery twin I am 46, and had surgery on 11/22 as well
You are doing fantasti****ep up the good work
Topic: RE: How much?
And you are doing great too We will all get to goal, in our time It feels so great to have these pounds off..doesn't it?
Topic: RE: Confused About Calcium
My nutritionist said specifically NOT to use Viactiv because it's the wrong kind of calcium. We can only use calcium citrate. They had incorrectly put Viactiv in their paperwork that they hand out and had to make a correction. It is confusing I know but it's calcium citrate that you need to look for. Hope this helps to clear things up!
Topic: RE: Confused About Calcium
I also was told like you to take calcium citrate...but I have been on the GNC brand of calcium chews for the past 3-4 months. I have had blood tests done and my levels are fine...I did tell my doc about using the chews and he said it was o.k. I had a hard time with the large calcium pills.
311/183/167 goal
Topic: Severe joint pain Post - op???
I posted this on the complications board, but, thought I'd repost it here...
First, let me say that I do not know if this is related to WLS or not. I am trying to find out if anyone else has experienced this. Thanks!
I am almost 7 months post-op lap RNY.I have lost 90 pounds and I am only 20 pounds from my goal weight of 145. Around 3 weeks ago I began having severe joint pain in my feet, ankles, knees, and wrists. I immediately went to the doctor and had full blood work done. Everything came back normal: including vitamin levels, Rheumatoid factor, Sed rate, ANA, uric acid, ect.
I continue to suffer with this extreme joint pain, stiffness, and mild swelling. I am having to take Celebrex and Darvacet to function with permission from my surgeon but, obviously I am at high risk for an ulcer. In addition 1 week ago I blacked out and my PCP suspects a seizure. I therefore had a brain MRI, echocardiogram, carotid doppler, and Lyme disease test. I have not recieved these results back yet.
I am desperate for answers!!! I feel like a 90 year old instead of 36. I'm thrilled with my weightloss but, feel worse than I ever have.
Has anyone else ever experienced this??? Thanks for any input.
Lap RNY 11/10/04
Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
Here goes
305.5 start
178 now
127 Lost
82% lost
28 pounds til goal
Protien first, stopping eating when I am full
Have not lost any friends or significant others, fortunatly everyone has been so supportive
I can cross my legs, wrap them around to cross another time, I look like a preztle when I do it lol.
Everyone has done such a wonderful job, and I can't believe it's been almost 7 months so far, it's just wild how fast time flies.
Topic: Confused About Calcium
I met with my dietician today because I had some questions(not about calcium).We talked about my progress.She said that at this point,it's standard to be put on Viactiv(specifically this brand) for calcium supplementation.I am confused because when I went to the store to buy Viactiv,it is made with calcium carbonate,not calcium citrate(which I thought we were supposed to use)
Can someone help shed the light on this?
Topic: RE: How much?
I'm not so sure that is slow.... I am right about the same...... 74 since doc says I am right on target..... I think each in his own time.... my fat has been there a long time, maybe that's why it is so stubborn!!???
Topic: RE: 100 lbs
Congratulations Brenda.... Splendid job darlin..... keep it up.... That's great!!!