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Lizzi S.
on 6/8/05 11:27 pm - Hyattsville, MD
Topic: RE: Severe joint pain Post - op???
I am going to be 50 in October so it may be aging, however, I am in constant pain. I take tylanol and when I can't sleep I take tylanol 3. Let me know what you find out, this is something else we have in common... lol Lizzi
on 6/8/05 2:06 am - goffstown, NH
Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
well congrat i'm 7 months out and i lost 170 so far. i'm so excited for myself i can fit in jeans now wohooo
on 6/8/05 12:14 am - Islip Terrace, NY
Topic: RE: 100 lbs
Brenda you look wonderful!! Way to Go!!! God Bless, ~Angel 255/222/144/118
on 6/8/05 12:11 am - Islip Terrace, NY
Topic: RE: Confused About Calcium
I just recently switched to Citracal. It is a calcium citrate. I've been using Viactiv and Caltrate D., which are calcium carbonate and my blood tests were fine. I switched anyway. I learned on this site and at my support meetings that Calcium Citrate is better. God Bless, ~Angel 255/222/144/118
on 6/7/05 11:11 pm - Islip Terrace, NY
Topic: RE: How much?
Hi Maureen, I had my surgery 11/10 and I am 5'0", 41 yrs old. It will be 7 months post op in 2 days and so far i'm down 78 lbs. I'm very happy with my progress. My doctor is pleased as well. He has given me the same goal I gave to myself so that was cool. Keep on doing what you have been and you will see results. Whether quickly or slowly but I promise the weight will come off at it's own time. God Bless, ~Angel 255/222/144/118
Susan Hegarty
on 6/7/05 10:04 pm - Easton, PA
Topic: RE: Intruder in the Room
Hi Janie I had surgery on 11/24/04. As of today I am down -113 lbs. You are dong awesome. Don't compare yourself wth others, it will drve you crazy. Everyone loses differently. You are doing great!! Susan 11/24/04 378/275/190
Susan Hegarty
on 6/7/05 9:59 pm - Easton, PA
Topic: RE: 7 month check in....
1. How much have you lost since your highest weight? 113 lbs. 2. What percentage of your excess weight have you lost? (total lost / # of lbs to lose x 100)? 61% 3. What is one major behavioral change you have made since surgery? (and intend to keep as a lifelong habit)? I exercise daily 4. Have you lost a job, long-time friend, significant other since surgery?? I lost a job, but got another one within 2 weeks Major problems with best friend, but we worked it out 5. What is the funnest thing you can do now that you couldn't do before surgery?? Ride a rollar coaster!! Susan 11/24/04 378/275/190
on 6/7/05 11:11 am - Rochester, NY
Topic: RE: Confused About Calcium
Paula- Hate to say it but your dietician is WRONG! We need calcium citrate. Viactiv while tastes good, has very little calcium that we can absorb. You will get more bang for your buck so to speak by using calcium citrate. Even better is the ones that have magnesium for easier absorption. Janet
Dru B.
on 6/7/05 10:41 am - Deltona, FL
Topic: RE: Severe joint pain Post - op???
Thanks Pam for the response. The lymes test came back negetive today. I have an appt. with a Neurologist Monday and a Rhuematologist the 17th. Yep, definately might be old age and the prior weight. I'm 36 years old. Thanks so much for your input Take care, Dru
on 6/7/05 10:09 am - Palmdale, CA
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