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april R.
on 7/8/05 2:48 am - phila, PA
Topic: RE: How Many Are Feeling Like This
hi katherine i feel the same to. excess skin is killing me. but in 1/19/06 i'm having my breast and arms done. my insur told me that i need to gave them 6mth of proof that i go to the gym 4 time a week. and notes from my doctor before they will approval the surgery to my body. my tummy, i been saving for that my self. so i will get that done in the summer of 2006. i wear a 16 now. but starting to get in to size 14. so my doctor told he that me going to the gym will not take away that excess skin. it just to much skin. take care april
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/05 1:40 am
Topic: RE: Frustrated
I've lost 88 lbs and very happy with it. I really don't care if it has stopped cause I feel so much better, but its the expectation that it shouldn't have stopped so soon that drives me crazy. My body is changing also even without losing and that also makes me happy. Just a pound would be nice, just to make me feel better. Tee
on 7/8/05 1:35 am - Jefferson City, MO
Topic: RE: Frustrated
Theresa, Thanks for sharing this. There isn't a support group that meets in my area. Stall is a good word ... and Aunt Flo came to visit but since it is the first time I've seen her in 3 years I am not complaining- just coping... I am waiting for the woosh everyone seems to experience after her visit .... One thing I have noticed, while the scale may not be moving, my body is still changing shape ....clothes tell the tale better I think, but still, makes you hate that question- so how much have you lost now?! lol I even printed out that plateau buster diet that was on the main board yesterday ... Amy Z
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/05 1:01 am
Topic: RE: Frustrated
Hi Sandy, I have the same surgery date as you and have only lost a pound in the last six weeks. So I understand completely. At my support groups they say that the 6-8 month mark is when everyone stalls and that we actually need to up the food intake a little. I'm trying, but have settled into a great routine and it is difficult to eat more. I have also been told it should begin again soon. Hope we both get over this hump soon. Tee
on 7/8/05 12:55 am - Windsor, CT
Topic: RE: perforated pouch
Hi again, Thanks ladies, for your kind wishes and good thoughts. I had the last drain taken out of my intestine yesterday (Thursday). So now all I have is the PIC lines in my arm for the overnight feeding and bloodwork. I am feeling better; I'm still kind of worn out and tired feeling, but I have to make myself get outside to walk arund and get exercise. My surgeon said yesterday that I need to get back to a more normal routine, and said I can drive if I want to. I haven't heard from anyone who perforated, adn I'm not surprised. My doc said one of the members of the surgical team has been doing a lot of research and he's been unable to find a case like mine, so he'll be writing about it, apparently for presentation or publication in med journals. Great. I knew I was special but jeesh, why'd it have to be like this?! My biggest challenge right now is eating. I am still afraid that if I eat it will somehow irritate the patch on the ulcer and make it happen again. My doctor said no, that I need to start eating more and of course, to eat slowly and take my time. They can't do another endoscopy for about a month, because if they did it now, it could potentially tear the area (I guess they put air in the pouch when they scope, and that pressure could be harmful as I am still healing.). The challenge then will be if I have a stricture: if I do, and they try to dilate, the risk is that it will tear the area. I think this is how this whole hting started. I had an ulcer from December until May, and was taking prevacid and rinatidine for it. When my gastro doc did a scope on May 6, the ulcer was gone, so he dilated my stricture. My trouble REALLY started then: I ended up in teh ER two days later in agony, and from that point on, went downhill until I was essentially not eating or drinking because it was too painful. I was in contact with the gastro doc, telling him this, and he said that pain was likely constipation and presecribed something for that. Obviously, it wasn't constipation, it was an ulcer. I am pretty upset that he didn't see me sooner and do another scope as I had such pain, but what can I do now. On the day of the perforation, I was also severely dehyrdated and extremely malnourished, which complicated things. I had several other complications including developing a massive blood clot in my stomach cavity. It's been a nightmare. But I'm getting better. Thanks ladies, for listening. I really appreicate your kind words and, especially, the prayers. I believe in teh healing power of prayer. Take care, Heather
on 7/7/05 3:45 pm - Gainesville, GA
Topic: RE: Frustrated
I know how you feel. I lost only 7 lbs in 2 months. I am able to exercise and go to the gym 3 times a week and do other things 2 days a week then we are pretty busy on weekends and work. I eat between 700 and 1100 calories a day. Seems like I would have to be losing more. I think you are doing great to have lost 83 lbs with limited activity!! I have read a lot of times that you get to a place where the body stops to catch up with the loss. Maybe that is what we are doing. Good Luck!!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/05 2:01 pm - Chandler, AZ
Topic: Frustrated
I have lost 83 lbs and only 2 this month? I have about 140 to go. I am a slow loser but 2 pounds in a month? I am in a wheel chair so my activity is limited but I am trying to stay active with stationary bike riding, and chair aerobics. I also do housework and no longer take naps. I have made huge progress with my health and am on NO medication for anything which is amazing. I am also losing my hair and had it cut short to see if that would help but it just made my husband mad at me ( what is up with that?) When does the hair stop falling out? I have a ton of energy compared to the lounger I used to be. I am just scared about the hair loss and 2 lbs weight loss this month. I still have so far to go. I don't want to be a whiner and am very grateful for just being alive after being so sick for so long. I sometimes think I am being greedy wanting the whole enchilada so to speak. Thanks, for listening and any advise would be sincerely appreciated. Hugs, Sandyd
on 7/7/05 11:38 am - Santa Rosa, CA
Topic: RE: How Many Are Feeling Like This
Hi Andrea congrats on being only 7 lbs from your goal, how exciting. I think some of the same things. I know even with surgery I will have far from a perfect body, as I have really severe stretch marks. My breast are giving me trouble too. I have terrible back pain along with rib pain, I think from my stomach muscles trying to compensate for the suffering back. I also suffer from the rashes on my tummy. I just want to feel semi normal. I am so glad I am where I am at though, and would take this over the old me any day. Hope you have continued success,take care KatherineL
Andrea P
on 7/7/05 11:06 am - Montgomery, NY
Topic: RE: How Many Are Feeling Like This
Hiya Katherine, At times I feel the same way. I have 7 pounds to lose to get to my goal and now I am seeing this excess skin and I think ugh, gross - I have come so far I should just go all the way and get rid of it. There is another part of me that says dont be rediculous - you didnt do this so you could have a perfect body - you did this to be healthy. I havent decided what to do. I did talk to my surgeon about it and he said that it is too early to have it done and that I have some time to decide what I want to do. I have pretty much decided to do something with my breasts because when I am not wearing a bra, they hang down and it HURTS - it feels like the muscles are tearing although I dont think they actually are. Plus I still get major chaffing where my bra straps are and I still have neck and back pain that I think are from them. So having pretty much decided that I think well, while your at it, just get rid of the excess skin on your tummy too. We will see. I dont have a whole lot on my arms and legs, just a little that I see from time to time, but I think I am just gonna leave that. Again, I havent decided anything for certain but it definitely in my thoughts! - Glad I am not the only one! :D God bless you and keep you, ~Andrea
on 7/7/05 10:51 am - Santa Rosa, CA
Topic: How Many Are Feeling Like This
Hi All well I am reaching quickly towards my 8th month and I am feeling like I just want to get on with the next step. All of the sudden I find myself not being happy with all this excess skin. I feel normal in clothes and so very abnormal out of them lol. Just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way. I have noticed that the last 20 pounds have really seen a change in my skin, it has REALLY started to colapse. Anyhow would love to hear from you fellow NOV babies on how you are doing. Take care KatherineL
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