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Topic: RE: When did you stop....
Hiya Melissa,
Wow, isnt that awesome?? I have read some stories on this site about people wandering around aimlessly in the "normal" sections of clothing or department stores with absolutely no idea where to start and being very traumatized by it. As far as that goes for me - I will take some more of that kind of trauma any day!! :D
Keep up the good work!!
God bless you and keep you,
Topic: RE: pork tenderloin recipe.
Hiya Jamiee,
Oooooooooooooooh that sounds DELISH!!! I cant wait to try it!! Thanks so much for sharing!
God bless you and keep you,
Topic: RE: What a rollercoaster ride!
Hiya Melinda,
Congratulations on your 90 lb weight loss so far!!!! Good for you! Its true you shouldnt focus on those who have lost more or closer to goal than you are because everyone responds at different rates and also, everyone started at different levels too. Just keep focused on doing what you know you need to do and it will come off.
Have a wonderful time in France!
God bless you and keep you
Topic: RE: How much pizza can you eat?? And my update...
Hiya Erica,
I, like you and most who have posted, also feel like things are much more natural for me now. I dont count much of anything but I do stay away from sugar, rice, potatoes and breads. I have had pizza and I enjoy it. I get a salad and a thin crust slice, eat most of the salad first and then have a few bites of the pizza (from the pointy end) and then I eat the rest of the cheese and the topping. On the rare occasions when I do have a bread like substance (pizza crust, burrito, wrap) I can usually only eat only a small portion of the bread part and then I eat the guts of it I am completely satisfied with what I eat which is a huge difference for me from BS (Before Surgery). I can also eat anywhere. We often go out to lunch at work and I can find something I can eat and that I like anywhere. I usually order a meat and a double portion of vegetables instead of the potatoe or rice and then I take at least half of it home. BS (Before Surgery) I could never figure out why the skinny girls I worked with couldnt finish their meal (and they never looked for desert like I always did!) and now I am right there with them taking home half my meal! I finally get that that is the NORMAL thing. I am so glad that I cand finally eat pretty much normal portions! It is so exciting isnt it?? LOL
I am gonna discuss that threshold thing with my hubby. He did carry me over the threshold on our wedding night but I am probably about 25 lbs less now then I was back then (14 years ago).
God bless you and keep you,
223/129/123 here I come!
Topic: RE: How much pizza can you eat?? And my update...
congrats on how well you are doing! i can eat the toppings on one slice of piece (large) but no crust........may toppings from 2 slices on medium or small..........
Topic: RE: How much pizza can you eat?? And my update...
Congrats on your progress Erica.
On the pizza thing, I usually only eat one slice, including the crust. We only have it about once a month so I just eat the whole slice. Some days it goes down ok, other days it does not sit well at all and I regret eating the crust.
Topic: When did you stop....
When did you stop shopping in Lane Bryant (or other large size clothing store)?
I was out shopping today and by habit went into Lane Bryant to see what was on sale. I found some really cute pants but at a 14 they were slightly baggy. Not bad but very comfortable. 16's have been baggy on me but I didn't think I was in 14's yet. So I went to a normal size clothing store (Lerner NY) and tried on some 14's from there, and they were a perfect fit. I couln't believe it. I guess I am really to small for LB now. It is just so weird for me. I have been shopping there for so long now.
Just another amazing reality of this surgery.

Topic: RE: What a rollercoaster ride!
I'm right with ya....I hit 90 yesterday......It's a great feeling!
Topic: RE: How much pizza can you eat?? And my update...
I can eat 1 normal slice of pizza, but only do so on rare occasions. It usually sits too heavy in my tummy. I generally order a salad from the pizza place when we do order dinner from there.
Topic: RE: How much pizza can you eat?? And my update...
I agree with it coming very naturally now. I don't really count anything either, but am very aware of the protein and liquid intake (and vitamins of course). I do however consciously stay away from sugar and bad carbs. I don't want to get into a habit of trying them and finding out they don't bother me. (but I am lucky that I do dump severely on sugars and white flour products). So the pizza question - I eat the toppings and cheese from one slice, but no crust.
I haven't noticed or feel that my personality has changed like many people on this board. I was always a pretty self confident person before, so my butterfly effect was with my physical self and my health. It is so great to feel good most of the time instead of never feeling good like I did before. Now if I do get sick it is for other reasons just like the rest of the "thin" population.
Oh and by the way thanks for the "threshold" idea. I have never been picked up before either and maybe it would be fun.
keep up the good work