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dragonfly queen
on 7/26/05 2:04 am
on 7/26/05 2:04 am
Keep up the good work!

I just had to share this with someone.
As of this morning I have lost 101.5 pounds!!! It's a miracle!!!
I have really always felt that this sluggish 50+ year old metabolism of mine would not let the surgery work...but slowly but surely it is doing its job.
I still struggle with food and eating, but this tool enables me to keep going. My life has changed SO MUCH in just 8 months.
Thank you all for being here.
Doing the Happy Dance
VG 11/10/04

Topic: RE: Shrinkage
Hey Michelle -
How's your calcium intake? Have you had your bloodwork done lately? I would make sure that you aren't losing calcium from your bones to make up for any you are not getting in your diet. Good luck reaching your goal!

Topic: RE: slow loss and "blue" moments
I feel for you! I have a deployed husband and two young children. I would suggest trying to keep busy. Plan some projects for yourself, some trips, visit family. See a Dr. maybe some anti-depressants. I know it's really tough doing it on your own. I have tried to get into a routine for me and my kids. HTH
277/163/goal was 165, now ?
Topic: RE: Time for an update from everyone
Hi, I had surgery 11/19 and have lost 73 lb from my high wt of 308. It's been a long time since I've been 235, so I'm happy, but would like to lose some more. My doc didn't give me a goal wt, but my next goal will be to get under 200, and then if it works out maybe get to 150. I feel good with no major problems. My biggest wow is at work I passed someone in the hall who didn't recognize me, and being able to fit in a 40C has been exciting. I eat pretty normally and am good about vitamins; the hair that I lost is coming back in curlier than before! We've all done a great job no matter how much we've lost. Yea! Jan
Topic: RE: slow loss and "blue" moments
Sandra, wow what a big stress in your life. Maybe you can get involved in some group of wives who's husbands/sons are in Iraq. Keep busy so you won't be tempted to slide. My prayers are with you. Jan
Topic: slow loss and "blue" moments
Hi all,
I am feeling a little blue for two reasons, #1 my weight loss is really slowing dispite being good, and #2 my husband and son are being deployed to Iraq of Kuwait within two weeks of each other. I am really trying to be strong, but every once in a while, I let it out and cry. I worry that when they leave (Friday and two weeks from Friday) that I will blow all this hard work. I have to keep exercising for physical and mental health. Any hints on high stress tactics to maintain this regimen (food, H2O, vitamins and exercise)? I was always a stress and loneliness eater. I suppose if I keep feeling this way I will see my doctor, but I would really want to control it on my own. Please share any ideas. Thanks and remember even if you don't support the war, please support the troops....
Topic: RE: I understand WLS surgery now...duhhhhhhhhhh
I am absolutely thrilled with your successes. Just remember that some of us do all the right things (just like before surgery) and lose more slowly. For us we have to focus on feeling healthy. So I am so happy to hear you talk about that. Sometimes I have to stop visiting the web site because I start comparing myself to people who lose more or more quickly than I do. I love exercising, I use the gazelle with resistance pistons three times a week, and walk on the treadmill two times a week. I also work on abs every day. Healthy is family is so proud of me, and I am so proud of myself. Bless you all for all your support, and success.
Topic: RE: I understand WLS surgery now...duhhhhhhhhhh
LOL yes you hit close to home for me. I have done so well with my weight loss. I'm 53 and have lost 110 pounds since November '04. I can see where I need to up the exercise though. Your post inspired me. You have the right spirit for the loss. Keep it up girlfriend.
xoxo Alice From Dallas