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Topic: RE: me too! me too!
Hiya Diane,
Congratulations!!! WOO HOO - you are doing fantastic!! Keep up the good work!
God bless you and keep you,
Hiya Jo,
WOW!!! Congratulations!!!! Good for you!! Keep up the good work!!
I am hoping to join you in the club soon - I have 3 lbs to go to make it!!
God bless you and keep you,
Topic: RE: slow loss and "blue" moments
Hi Sandra,
I have been away and havent seen this until now. I guess today is the day one of them is being deployed. I am praying for them and for you. I have never been in your position so I have no real idea how you feel but I can imagine. I think the person who suggested getting involved with other wives and mothers from their units is a good idea. A friend of mine - her husband was in a Iraq for a year and just returned this past Christmas. They had been married for 9 months when he went over there - although he was away in training for 4-5 months of that 9. She was very involved with the wives and family memebers of his unit doing things to raise money and other things. It kept her strong and helped her feel like she was doing something and still connected. What was good for her too is that she was able to talk wtih him most days. I know that they also provided counseling for the wives and family memebers as well.
As far as maintaining your regimen and not blowing your hard work I think that exercise is going to be very important. Physiologically, exercise releases endorphins and that is a mood elevator. Also, for me, the more I exercise, the more I want to eat right because I dont want to waste the hard work I did.
Again, praying for you, your husband and your son.
God bless you and keep you,
Topic: RE: i lose 120lbs. so what up with the hang skin?
Sorry to say that the burn units will not pay for your PS, it is an old myth.
As for hanging skin, from what I understand, you can try creams, exercise and wraps, but you will need PS. Wraps will only work temporarily, and exercise will just help by filling in some of the skin with bulky muscles, which is not altogether a bad thing.
Topic: RE: me too! me too!
Fantastic news you are a member of the century club.. My husband is there already and i am close behind you. Isn't it a great feeling to be able to move so much easier? My first goal was to bend over and tie my shoe without having an anysurim (SP?). lol
Well, I want to do the happy dance for you

Topic: RE: Hellooooooo November babies..... 9 month check in....
1. What was your total excess weight (highest weight - ideal weight or goal weight)? Highest weight was 277 (well could have been higher but I rarely weighed myself) Ideal is about 165 (I'm 6' tall range is 140 - 184 lbs), so excess would be 112 lbs.
2. How many lbs have you lost?? 114lbs!
3. What % of your excess weight have you lost??? 101%
4. What new thing have you tried or added to your life that you never dared to before??? (can't wait to hear details about some of those positions people : ) Just about everything. I am much more outgoing and willing to talk to strangers now. I feel like I can be the life of the party or I can be quiet and not have to be the funny fat girl.
5. How has your life changed since surgery???? It has really changed my relationship with people and how I look at others. I am more active and can do things and go places and not feel like I am embarassing others just being around them.
6. What surprises you most about your new life?? How I can still feel fat. I went from a size 22/24 to an 8/10 and I still feel HUGE. I just wonder how skinny will I have to be for me to see it.
Topic: RE: Hellooooooo November babies..... 9 month check in....
Hey Y'all...this is my first time posting to this board so I wanted to give a big shout out to everyone!!
1. What was your total excess weight (highest weight - ideal weight or goal weight)?
Highest 247
Ideal 130
Goal 140
2. How many lbs have you lost?? -84lbs and -112 inches
3. What % of your excess weight have you lost??? 79% (i want to lose 95%)
4. What new thing have you tried or added to your life that you never dared to before??? Water aerobics, shopping again...for cute stuff, dating, letting people take pics of me again.
5. How has your life changed since surgery???? I am getting out and meeting people more. I have also just started dating the most wonderful guy...
6. What surprises you most about your new life?? The reaction on everyones face when they haven't seen me in a while. People keep telling me I am melting away. I just love the compliments!!
Topic: RE: Hellooooooo November babies..... 9 month check in....
Well I still have 2 days till my 8 mo anniversary but here goes:
1. My excess weight starting out (this is to my goal wt not to ideal) is 229lbs.
2. I have currently lost 155lbs.
3. That leaves me having lost 68% of my excess weight so far.
4. Hmmmmm positions, sorry my brain went south! I just got back from a mini vacation with my BF. Anyway, new things include taking up a synchronized swimming class and more bike riding. I ride about 3 miles a day now either outside if not tooo hot which doesnt happen in OK in July or on the stationary bike doing the uphill routine.
5. More energy!!! Go on vacation and not gain from pigging out on junk food.
6. How much I missed going shopping and now I have the energy to go all day again.
Topic: RE: Hellooooooo November babies..... 9 month check in....
Hi Sphinxy one,
I'll give this a shot, although I am actually going to be 8 mo out on Friday, not 9.
1. What was your total excess weight (highest weight - ideal weight or goal weight)? 170#
2. How many lbs have you lost?? 144# (40 of this prior to my surgery)
3. What % of your excess weight have you lost??? Total lbs lost divided by total excess weight and multiplied by 100. 85%
4. What new thing have you tried or added to your life that you never dared to before??? (can't wait to hear details about some of those positions people : ) I guess I would have to say wearing more form fitting clothing and I started a support group. I am getting way out of my normal safe zone meeting total strangers. I am also going to the OH event in Cincy. Going to a convention with a bunch of people I have never met in person is definitely something I never would have done in the past.
5. How has your life changed since surgery???? i have more energy, I eat healthy, I am no longer the fattest person in the room, I don't limit my experiences based on my body size anymore.
6. What surprises you most about your new life?? I am actually succeeding at making life long changes in my habits, I no longer view food as a friend, I now look at my problems head-on and deal with them in a healthy manner. My husband is acting all ga ga over me (tee hee hee.. I love this one!)
Topic: i lose 120lbs. so what up with the hang skin?
hello 2004 babies
i have a question. what such i do about the hanging skin? what such i do in the gym that would help? i was 320 and now i weigth 200lbs. but i seen my pcp and he said that i wood need to have my breast done, some time in jan,2006. so that was find. but what about the rest of my body? i no that antea will not paid for my stomach. so i will not even try to get any letter to send to them from my doctor office. i will try to call some burn center to see what i can do. i hear if you give some of your skin that, it can be done for free. but i don't no about that. it been 8mths for me and i think things are going well. i went from a size 26 to some 16 to some 14 now. i love life and me.
goodbye for now
2004 babies
320/289/256/223/ now 200
goal 160