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Topic: RE: Hellooooooo November babies..... 9 month check in....
When I was investigating this surgery they reminded me that success was losing approx 70% of excess weight and keeping that off for 5 yrs.... you have already reached the first goal!!! YIPEE!!! If you wanna lose more.. go for it... Doing great!!! Keep havin fun!
I know exactly how you feel!!! I am down around about the same weight... and for someone who spent a lot of years over 300 this feels like the world has been lifted from my shoulders... I can wear some 16s... mostly 18s ... I actually bought a pair of L pants at Target!... (a size without an X... been forever since I could do that!)....and the world of shopping has opened its doors to me.
I like feeling comfortable and it has been wonderful not having to obsess about food (either getting it or not getting it or what I am getting) and that has opened many doors for me in terms of freedom!! I do not eat a lot of processed sugar but don't restrict myself from anything else. My labs came horrible when I cut out the carbs in fresh fruit etc so now I know to eat as many of those as I desire after I have gotten my protein. I know myself by now, restriction now leads to bingeing later on. I did have a distal bypass though so I realize my long-term outcomes may be a little different... but I am so enjoying just enjoying.
Even though I compare my weights with charts for benchmarks about where I am... I am reluctant to accept what some chart says about what is "normal" weight for me... and I am not sure that if I reached that goal that the charts say... that I would feel comfortable or normal!
Anyway... it has been an interesting journey so far... and unlike most of you... it is now just becoming fun for me... and if that means being comfortable... so be it!!!
Topic: RE: Hellooooooo November babies..... 9 month check in....
I wanted to wait until the 17th but I got too excited!!!
Here I am
1. Total excess weight = 171 lbs (316-145)
2. I have lost 101 lbs!!!! CENTURY CLUB HERE I AM!
3 % of excess weight 101/171 x 100 = 59%
4. I tried Tai Chi... always wanted to take it but was surely shy about that
5. Unbelievable! New job...more active... beginning to rejoin life...
6. I was surprised by the people who were really threatened by my weight loss - I truly didn't expect it... and it wasn't other obese friends... there were some normal weight people who seem to now see me as serious competition??!!! go figure!!
I am also surprised about how full my life has become and how little I think about food - I eat anything and everything I want and continue to lose...and it always surprises me when I get full so quickly...sometimes a taste is enough!
Thanks to all of you who did respond.... boy this does get interesting as time goes on!!!
Topic: RE: Eating too much????
Thanks for the advice Vanessa. I will contact a dietician. I think I need some pointers on how to eat at this stage of the game.
Congratulations on your weight loss. You look amazing!
Topic: RE: Eating too much????
Hi Michelle! We are surgery TWINS! Woohhoooo!
I'd just like to point out that you're eating approximately 12 oz of food a day. That's a cup and a half of food in 24 hours! Plus your small snack. OK, maybe 16 oz or two cups a day?
Now you're scaring ME! I eat much more than that and I continue to lose!
I'm more concerned that you are not eating enough!
Do you have a dietician you can talk with or contact one at your surgeon's office?
I have not done that but we can't go on forever eating 2 tablespoons of food per meal! KWIM?
Best to you!

Girl, I know just how you feel. Yesterday, head hunger got the best of me. Felt like I ate and ate. When I think about it, it wasn't really that much at all, just seems like a lot when you compare to the past months. I love this journey I've been on. I started out wearing 20/22 bottoms and 26/28 tops. I'm a size 12 now and wear a large top. If I could get rid of the extra skin, everything would be good.
I think you're doing great
, you're more devoted to exercise than me. I thought I'll get this "tool" and in no time be skinny. WRONG!
You have to exercise, and I haven't done that enough. I'm working on it though. I have to kind of take it easier than most. For some reason when I start working out I end up with a kidney stone. I've switched my calcium, so who knows.
Anyway, just keep it up girl, you'll get to your goal. I've passed where the doctor thought I'd be (I think he set it to high, I'm only 5' 5" and according to others I shoudl be 140 or so) and I want to lose 20 - 25 pounds more. I know these pounds are going to be the hardest of all.
Best of luck to you and know you're not alone in how you feel
260/170/145 - 150??

I don't know about anyone else, but I am 9 mo. out, down 120lbs and am getting WAY too comfortable I think!! I am at 220 and to some that may seem like alot, but boy I'll tell ya, I feel good. I am wearing a size 18 on the bottoms and like a 14/16 on the top. I feel wonderful. This week I worked out 4 days in a row. But I have gotten WAY too comfortable w/ what I'm eating. Not much makes me sick. I know alot of people say that, but for real, not much does. So it's really easy for me to eat junk. So I am really trying to keep myself on track. it's hard, but I am working at it. Does anyone else know how I am feeling? Well anyways, I just wanted to vent. All in all, I feel fabulous!!
339at consult/ 318 day of surgery/ 220 now/ 165 goal
Topic: RE: Eating too much????
I like this board because we are all the same amount of months out. I can eat at least 4 ounces at each meal--depending on what it is. If I am too hungry and eat to fast the 4th bite causes discomfort and I remind myself not to go so long without eating. I keep track of my calories, fat, carbs, sugar, and protein for all I eat. I stay at 1000 - 1150 calories. Honestly I think I could consume more but don't. My loss has slowed but it's not the food it's the fact that I have so little left to loose! And I can't stand those comments about 'wow you can eat that much? You were only eating 3 tablespoons at Christmas.' I think you are doing great
Topic: RE: problems eating?
Happy Friday Noel,
I also have days when I can't eat much....but not like you. I would recommend at least a call to the surgeon. I had a stricture and waited too long and paid for it.
Good luck..Ginny
Topic: RE: Another Hernia Surgery
Thanks guys, I am home and I am doing fairly well considering this is the 4th surgery on the same incision, but I am on some good pain meds. I get my staples out on Monday, the whole incision was repaired again from sternum to belly button. Hopefully this time it will take and no other problems will arise. Thanks for all the prayers. Carla