Revision Thoughts
My weight loss has stopped. I'm eating horribly. And I've gained 15 pounds. OK -- I've said it outloud (so to speak).
Has anyone had thoughts of having a revision to reduce the pouch size? I'm thinking that may be a way to go but I don't know if my doctor will even consider it. I just wanted to get some feedback from all of you 11/04 buddies.
OMG! We have the same date! TWINS! I've never "met" anyone with the same date as me!'s the deal.....Ugh.......I hate the posts - "I think I can eat too much!" But, I think I can eat too much!
Then again, I know that I eat a normal portion size but what scares me is that I only occasionally truly overate before surgery. I had a long history of hypothyroidism, metabolism issues, sickness that caused inactivity, etc. So it's scary to me. Of course, I am much more active but lately I've been a bit concerned. That said, we do HAVE to progress to more eating. We're not meant to live on 2 oz forever.
What has me concerned is that I had lost too much weight and then had to practice some bad habits to stop it. Then I gained oh -- 5-10 pounds depending on what day it is. I can FEEL the weight and I don't like how it FEELS. My husband tells me that I'm where I should be and when I asked my mother who visited last week if she could tell I had gained she didn't know whether to laugh or throw me out the 2nd floor window.
That said, I know that these habits that I developed trying to maintain are getting the best of me know. The REALLY scary part is that I've stopped weighing b/c I FEAR what it will tell me. And THAT is a death sentence for me.
Not funny but funny.
Anyway, I don't think the issue for me or you is our pouch size. The issues is that we can eat more and we may be taking advantage or disadvantage if you will of this new physical trait.
That said, I've decided to detox off carbs. I decided two weeks ago and haven't been able to do start.
I know I have to drink a TON of water and protein, protein, protein, to get off this ride. I was going to start today and I woke up eating carbs! Then my husband brought home a cerel bar and I ate that. Carbs. Ugh. So then I think -- OK Monday-- tomorrow, right?
WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! I have to start RIGHT NOW! So that is what I'm going to do. Start RIGHT NOW!
Want to join me?
Here's the deal: Water, water, water, water....protein, protein, protein, protein. If I start to get the dreaded headache and shakes, I WILL allow a viable, healthy carb such as a small slice of whole wheat toast or oatmeal with protein powder b/c of the low carb impact it actually has on the diet. I'm not sure that I'm saying the Plauteau buster b/c it's not a plateau I'm fighting but rather a back to basics so I can get some better habits going.
Who's in with me? Anyone? Ugh...I can't believe I just admitted all of that!
On a side note, I'm still having the upper right quadrant pain and I FINALLY see a Bariatric Surgeon who agreed to see me in my new location of Houston, TX on Tuesday. The pain doesn't help things for me because I tend to "graze" when I don't feel good.
Anyone dealing with the same thing and want to come along?
Sheila? Anyone?

Thank you for your post and honesty. By the way, you are absolutely gorgeous!
I will join you, my twin, to try to get back on track. I'll cut out carbs, get back to Curves, drink water, and up the protein. I'll stop kicking myself when I'm not 100% successful but I will get back on that pony!
I hope you get some answer for your pain situation. That's no fun.
Let's keep in touch.
Shelia, have a deal. I have to have someone tracking me and keeping me accountable. Are you SURE you don't want to check my reference
Let's keep up with each other if you want. The ball is your court if you really want to buddy up...e-mail me and lets gets started!
I love your short hair cut! I want to go for it because I've lost so much hair but I'm afraid it will draw too much attention to my turkey gobble neck. *sigh*
~Vanessa have a deal. I have to have someone tracking me and keeping me accountable. Are you SURE you don't want to check my reference
Let's keep up with each other if you want. The ball is your court if you really want to buddy up...e-mail me and lets gets started!

I love your short hair cut! I want to go for it because I've lost so much hair but I'm afraid it will draw too much attention to my turkey gobble neck. *sigh*

I have two sides to my brain - a right side and a left side. The trouble is sometimes there is nothing left in the right side and nothing right in the left side.
Post-Op RNY 6.5 years
HW 252 GW 140 CW 140
I'm with you guys - I did start this weekend eating better - for a couple of reasons - tired already of beating myself up - I know what I need to do - just need to do it... But the other reason is that I am feeling very weak - Yes, I'm going to go so see a doctor - as soon as my insurance kicks in... just started a new job 3-months ago... so insurance should be starting pretty quick. Think I may be anemic - very lightheaded - almost fell onto the woodburning stove - that would've been bad... skin seems paler to me than it should be - but it may also be the first signs of menopause... at 45 this seems age-appropriate... or I suppose it could be my heart - haven't had that checked since right before surgery & of course it wasn't at it optimum - way over due for a full physical. Haven't had insurance for awhile though & really cannot afford medical care out of pocket -
Anyways I did start eating better - chose protein first - and took my vitamins -
I'm back in the game - will check how y'all are doing

Hey Guys,
Can I join? I have really gotten off track too. I have been gaining and losing the same 6-8 pounds this month. My eating has been bad too, so starting tomorrow no carbs... can I still have oatmeal in the morning with splenda and 1% milk? I hope so, I look forward to it. Thanks so much..
[email protected]
Hi Cathy! I am just seeing this! I'm so sorry! I'm forwarding my lastest e-mail that I sent out and am getting you on the train!
I have two sides to my brain - a right side and a left side. The trouble is sometimes there is nothing left in the right side and nothing right in the left side.
Post-Op RNY 6.5 years
HW 252 GW 140 CW 140
Hey woman... good to see you!!!
Get thee to a doctor to get some labs drawn pronto!!!!! Nothing to play around with.. I waited and almost didn't make it as a result... so anemic it took 4 units of blood to pump me up and I was still considered anemic when they discharged me from the hospital!!!
I waited because of money as well... I'm lucky to be here to talk about it. Even the nurse in the ER said she had never in 23 years seen levels as low as mine in somebody walking and talking.