so frustrated!
Can you guys please kick me in the butt?
I'm nowhere near goal. I have at least 80# to go to get there and I'm bouncing between 269 and 254 for the past four months!!
I'm working on getting back on track with my water, vitamins and exercise but I can't get motivated to get out and do the most important part (exercise)!!
Anybody else in the same boat -- or got out of this boat and know the way?
I guess my thing is I feel like a total failure.. I started out with 215 to lose.. and here I am 15 months later with 80 to go.. and I wanted to be a superstar! I wanted to be at goal by a year (that obviously didn't happen).
Snacking is also an issue -- so I know I need to get back on top of that.. and I'm still stress eating (though thankfully I still can't gorge myself.. but I still am putting food in my mouth when I'm NOT hungry!! damn head games!!!)
Maybe just coming clean here will help me snap out of it.. but I sure could use some support from somewhere.
Thanks you guys..
390 -> 261 (as of this morning -- three days ago I was at 254!!) -> 175
I hear Ya!!! I'm in the same boat(sorry to say
).I've lost the majority of my excess weight in the first 6 mos.Now,I bounce up and down with the same 5lbs.I still do my shakes,vites,liquids,and I STILL HATE EXERCISE.(Gee,How DID I get to 265lbs?
).I also can relate to the snacking.This past week,I've done better.I got in a bad habit of eating late at nite.My family likes to snack at nite watching tv.I've joined in with them.Fortunately,I've nipped it before I got too far out of control.I've recently got a new job.That should help.I now work 6pm to 6am.I wont be around food as much(cures snacking for wrong reasons).I just wanted you to know,I'm hearing ya.

It must be catching. I am am the same I am about 36lb from my goal of 150 and I was losing motivation.
I am starting to get back on track. I am a terrible night eater and grazer. I have started to substitue what I eat at night, no more crackers etc.. I do carrots of some kind of fruit or veggie.
I also have started to stop eating at a certain time, first night was 10p, next 9:30 and so on until I will be done by 7pm. Then no more eating.
I know exercising is a hard habit to get into but you just gotta do it. I always feel so much better after. I feel like I accomplished something.
I think there are a lot of us in this shape. I need to loose about 40 more pounds. I have been down in the dumps also! I have gained about 15 pounds. Ouch! I am not exercising. I just quit. I am not eating properly. I just finally started taking my vits. and calcium the way I should. I graze and eat all of the wrong things. It is easier to eat the wrong things because they don't bother me as much as the dense protein. I know what I need to do, but like you I think I need someone to kick me into gear again. Support group meetings here I come again. Do you have a support group near by? I think that may help me get into the groove again, and maybe it will help you as well. Exercise blah! That is what I am screaming!!!!!! But we have come to far to give up now. Let's go girl. We can do it together. Tomorrow, let's start with some kind of exercise and email each other what we have done. Let's get in our vits., protein, and water!! Maybe we can challenge each other. I sure need it right now.
287 - 209 (I was at 195 about 3 months ago

Sorry I didn't get back sooner! I didn't go to the gym but I did make some great steps. I spent about 2 hours in Walmart reading labels and looking for Protein. This afternoon I went to the gym and signed up for Boot Camp. 4 days a week with a personal trainer to kick my butt. I start tomorrow. I hope we can email. I tried to reply to your email through my system but I was blocked. Here is my email info:
[email protected]
Let me know how you are doing. We are going to do this together!! Va.
I was just wishing that we "slow losers" had our own message board. It is so frustrating to see all the "rockets" that went from size 22 to a size 4. What I have to keep remembering is that just like all the diets that we tried, results are not typical. We will have the gammet of us on one side and the rockets on the other end.
Are you hypothyroid? I am and even though I do all the right things, vitamins, water, exercise. I do cheat sometimes, and I truly believe we all do. Just some of us don't admit to it.
Glad do see you beat the plateau. Keep it up, you are doing good. Hopefully the rest of us will follow. Still have 36 pounds to go. And that isn't even to what the BMI says I should be at. I plan on having my TT in August, maybe that will jumpstart me again. NEVER GIVE UP> Take care all...