So.... was Christmas better??
in terms of food ---It was for me... I got to have things at my house and even though it was exhausting... I could control my intake and things were a lot less frenzied... I knew where everything was and knew I could come back later for something else... I was so busy serving and making sure everyone else was set that I could just nibble and not have to sit at a formal table with a plate. I"m learning... I guess I'm not hopeless yet!!!
in terms of presents --- what a joy to be able to get clothes presents again, without having to send everyone Lane Bryant way!!! I actually got to get and wear one of those cute CHristmas sweatshirts (always wanted one and never could find one I liked in my size) that was the bomb!!!
in terms of WLS progress ----And even better, the scale started moving downwards again!!! go figure!!! I had stopped even focusing there figuring I had lost all that I was going to lose!! I hit the wonderfuls and even saw a glimpse of the 180s.... life is good!!
in terms of relationships ---- I got a ways to come - immedicate family has not seen me, I must be nervous about letting them really know me - most do not even know I have had surgery - so this should be interesting. Have not met the love interest, but got an interesting note from a man back east - that made my Christmas day - who knows?!
OK OK>.. I am exhausted, but realize that January 2006 is literally around the corner... is that truly unreal.... time to really evaluate the past and formulate goals for the next year... Thanks guys for hangin in there with me... and will start the January check in post in a few days
Happy Holidays!!!
How did you do????
Sounds like you had a great Christmas!! Congrats on the Christmas sweatshirt
Our Christmas was very quiet with just hubby, myself, and our 3.5 year old. We ended up going out to eat and it wasn't a big deal at all. I ate a piece of apple pie with some vanilla ice cream, which I think was the first time I ate an entire piece of pie since having the surgery! Present-wise, I got some stuff I'd been needing and a few books. It was just really nice to be together as a family. We went to see the movie Narnia as well. All in all, just a simple day
Weight-wise, I'm doing fine. I am 8.5 weeks pg and have managed not to gain any weight so far!! YIPPEE!! By this time with my son, I'd already gained 15lbs! Anyway, I'm looking forward to the great things to come in 2006. And looking forward to your check in posts.
8.5 weeks pg

Wow... congratulations on the PG... how exciting... it now especially ESSENTIAL that you get all your vitamins and supplements... so imporatant to a growing developing child. Please stay in close contact with your perinatologist... and remember that a lot of nervous tissue (brain and spinal cord) are formed from myelin which is formed from fat and cholesterol.... the rules change when you are pregnant... and weight loss or not gaining weight is not the primary concern at this point...although I can fully understand if you are nervous....
i love it when you check in... but we will be listening for different kinds of news from you young lady...when is the due date? have you had your first ultrasound yet? have you heard that heartbeat??? have fun!!! even though it seems like you are pregnant forever, in reality it goes by in a flash with no chance to redo it. Take very, very good care of yourself
Hello B~
I love to read your post! Sounds like you had a great Christmas!! A new man possibly
!! Best wishes with that! My Christmas went well too!! I received great presents and spent the Holiday with all my family (siblings too) at my parents home!!
Best Food eaten: roast beef!
Worst food eaten: spinach dip with hunks of white sourdough bread and
I drank Pomegranate martinis too! I could have done worse...considering I baked 7 types of goodies ranging from fudge to caramel brownies!
Best Compliment: converation was about New Years Resolutions and my sister said well you don't have to make one this year ..."you don't need to lose anymore weight"!! Of course I argued saying I wanted to lose 10 more lbs!
Best Gift: Mom bought a coat from GAP and it fit. She always tried to buy me clothes and years past the clothes were always too tight and not my style!! This year she nailed it. We both had big smiles on our faces! My husband bought me cute little undies which fit!!
Thanks for asking B..... Have a great New Year!! I wish you all the best and I'm hoping you have a healthy 2006!!

Oh Summer
Good to see you.... Isn't it great to be able to get clothes for presents!!!!!! Such a simple, but profound thing for us. I have had many years where I just would sit in frustration and anger because I knew whatever it was wouldn't fit... and long for those "too cute" things that everyone else was wearing. This is the bomb! And the Gap at that! You go girl!
Have a happy and healthy New Year and good luck with those last 10 lbs!
Hey gals! I wanted to give a quick update too. I am down 25 pounds since getting preggo (15 weeks) and feeling FANTASTIC!!! I'm down a total of 108. Baby is great despite the weight loss and I got rid of the picc line 3 weeks ago because I'm eating on my own now. In fact I can't stop eating! The only thing gaining is the belly and boobs! LOL!
I ate like a champ at Christmas. I had lots of protein (turkey, ham and roast beef) a little mashed potatoes and corn, which is still hard to digest. I had some sweets, but since getting preggo... I dump from sugars. Never before though! I used to dump horribly on grease but not now! Funny how things change.
I LOVED the fact that every shirt given to me this year was too big!!! Yeah! I was able to buy maternity clothing a few weeks ago and they were all size L and XL! SOOOO exciting!
I can't believe the compliments given to me this Christmas as well. Everyone just kept congratulating me on how good I look. All I can say is that I feel GREAT!!! This was truly the best thing I ever did for myself.
I hope to hear from you all soon!
~much love,