2 part question...
first of all congratulations to all of you..
1st..I am a year post op and my hair is still falling and breaking off. I use to get my hair thinned every 3-6 months now my stylist said to stop cutting it, any suggestions?
2nd..Anyone having issues with the bathroom? I only visit my bathroom every 4 days and that is with softners or laxatives. Any suggestions?
Hi Nicole -
Congratulations on your success!
I am still losing some hair, but not nearly at the rate I did in the beginning. I had very thick hair and used to have it thinned, as well, but have stopped doing that. I do know that when I increase my protein intake, less hair comes out, so you might want to try that. I also use Pureology hair products from my salon (expensive, but filled with protein). I'm not sure that makes much of a difference since the hair is dead anyway, but I was willing to try anything!
I don't have issues with the bathroom and visit it about once every other day with no assistance (softeners or laxatives). I would suggest talking to your doctor about that problem.
Have a wonderful holiday season!
I agree w/ Denise on the hair thing. Up your protien. I have the same thing, it will start falling out more when I slack on protien.
On the bathroom, have you tried up'ing your fluid intake? I go about every 2-3 days. If it is longer than that then I know I haven't been drinking enough water/fluids. As soon as I up that no problems.
If you are already trying that, then hopefully your doc can offer some help.
First, I want to say how beautiful you are!
I take two doses of Biotin a day for hair, nail, and skin strength. 2500mcg ea. It has definitely helped. My major hair loss has ceased with the help of the biotin.
With regard to the bathroom, I am in the same boat. I alternate laxative methods to help things move along as naturally as possible.... I have found the most success with "Swiss Kriss," an herbal laxative form Walgreen's, and any other generic laxative in pill form.
I am still nervous about the mag citrate because of bubbles/carbonation effect on the pouch. MOM has worked also. My surgeon doesn't seem to be too worried about it.
I know I just miss how regular I once was. Yet, not enough to regret the journey I have been on this past year and then some....
Good Luck!
Get Biotin form GNC!
God Bless & Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
high/surgery wt./current/Dr. goal/self goal

As far as the potty issue, are you a coffee drinker? If you have a big cup of coffee in the morning, it should get you going within a couple hours. I was never a coffee drinker, but when I go a few days without a bowel, I drink a cup of coffee and I'm able to go. Not sure what it does to cause this, but I've heard it mentioned many times by others as well. I just like the idea of a normal product getting things regulated than jumping to the medicinal aids. I wish you the best. My hair no longer falls out. It might mean you need more protein as others mentioned, but you might want to ask your surgeon.
8.5 weeks pregnant