1 year Nov.29th
Am i alone in this or anyone else feeling they can eat much more these days.
Tonight we went to the diner and was able to eat almost 1 whole grilled cheese sandwich...
I dont get that lump in my chest anymore telling me i had enough.
I just have to know when to stop ,,,, sometimes i feel like i can eat alot.
I probably could have eaten the whole sandwich but then afterwards would have felt a bit sick.
But I miss that warning i used to get to stop.
Also i find i can eat sugar more than i used to ,,,,,, not that i do it alot but sometimes the old demon comes back and i eat what im not supposed to and unfortunately i dont dump like i did in the beginning months.
God i hope i havent stretched my pouch ,,,,, I dont have the willpower tod do this without my tool ,,,,, thats why i had this surgery.
I should tell you this,,,,,, I was 260 the day of my surgery, ( im 5'4")
I want to be 150 and as of today I am about 163.
Wanted to reach 100 lbs by my 1 year anniversary but didnt quite make it.
I just hope im not alone in this and that i am normal......at this stage.
Just seems like a whole grilled cheese ( almost whole) is alot.
What do you all think.
My one year was Nov 29th as well. I feel like I can eat a whole lot more now than I did. Unfortunately for me, I get dumping less and less and I can eat sugar sometimes better than protein. I try to stay at about 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of food 3x times a day + 2 protein shakes a day and 1 snack of less than 2 oz (protein primarily). Its not always easy and my water intake has got to get better!
I still get the "time to stop" signal tho! Sometimes before I feel full. I have had 1 EGD since surgery and the opening was ballooned because I had very little passageway open. It seemed to be doing great until last month. I go back in on the 19th for another EGD just be sure its not mechanical.
I soooooo wish I could eat a grilled cheese. I have the hardest time with breads (even high fiber/whole grain ones). I miss some things greatly and bread is one of those. I avoid it because I don't like the consequences.
I personally think you are normal and now we just have to work our tool!
I was 409 at first consultation in July of last year, 385 on day of surgery and now am at 223. I have about 43lbs to my goal and 33lbs to my surgeon's goal for me. I was hoping to be in the low 200's by my anniversary but it didnt happen. I guess I can't complain too much tho! I have gone from a size 34W to mostly 16s and some 14s WOOOHOO. I ahve not been in 14s since prior to high school!
Tulsa Dr Gorospe
Joann, I know exactly how you feel. I just finished posting on my profile after several months of hiding. I'm able to eat too much and I do eat too much. Some sugars don't bother me so I find myself eating those. I get my mind right and then whammo, I'm right back at it. I've lost a little over 100# since my surgery on 11/3/04. I am grateful for those lost pounds but I still have about 70 to go. I'm so depressed about it. I even told my husband tonight that I am thinking about asking my surgeon to do the surgery again to make my pouch smaller again. He'll probably think I'm a loser (and not the good kind of loser either). I guess we just have get things right in our minds and get to work. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and saying prayers for both of us.
Hi Joann. No you are not alone. This sounds just like my concerns that I am trying to get help with it. I, too, am so afraid that my pouch may have stretched.
I do find that I seem to have sugar cravings - sweets. I try to watch it but that is what I go for and I am not hungry, just my mind wants it.
Your weigh loss it great!!! I had lost 61# post op 9months but have gained about 11 pounds back & am very depressed about it.
There are times however that I do feel pressure in my stomach.
So maybe not. Also, I need to get back to my exercising. I think that has really hurt me.
If you get some really good responses, would you please be sure to let me know? I was going to see my dr on the 27th but what can her really do if I am stress eating, & grazing? Sure he will tell me I need to work that out.
Has anyone reading this gone to counseling for "why we stress eat, etc."?
Thanks, Jackie
Can someone who is three years out stick her nose in? You of course, are welcome to ignore my presence here
ok...3.5 years postop - if I choose 2 eggs, fried over medium (solid white, runny yolk) and 3 potatoes (medium, red) shredded into hash browns and fried - and then chop the soft egg up into the potatoes after they are cooked. Packed down - that's about 2 and 1/2 cups of solid food.
Now here's the ticket - I can eat it ALL - it chews down to nothing and the potato helps slide the dense eggs on through. (kind of like your grilled cheese sandwich did)
Now if I take 3 eggs and add a 1/3 cup of cheese (make an omelet) - I usually can't fini**** all - most, but not the last couple bites.
If it is steak or chicken and steamed veggies I can eat about 3 or 4 ounces of meat and about 3/4 cup veggies.
If I eat just cheese? 4 ounces usually leaves me comfortable - not stuffed, but comfy.
And if I eat 3 times a day - I make worse choices AND eat more over-all than if I eat 6 smaller meals. Also the faster I eat, the faster I get comfortably full. I don't dally over my meals. I chew well, but I finish - I don't have dinner 'conversation' or put my fork down and wait 5 minutes between bites. I don't shovel the food in, but I eat until I'm done.
The ticket for ME is: (1) density of the food (2) how it's prepared (3) how often I eat (4) how slowly/fast I eat.
Have no idea if this is helpful......hugs, Toots