my 1 yr anniversary.
High weight, 348
Todays weight 177 [been the same since the 22nd]
total loss -171
and I still am not at a goal weight.
However my goal is not to be thin, it was just to be HEALTHY,
so I DID make my goal!
I have lived more in the last 9 months than I had in the past 25 yrs! WooT! Wheelchair, covered in dust, as is my c-pap and a list of medications.
Life is worth living, enjoy every minute of it!

Vickie! I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished this past year. I have appreciated your support and friendship. It was such a huge blessing to spend time with youy at the OH event in Cincy before I moved out to Washington. Congratulations on all of your success. Hold your head up high and be proud. You've earned it!!! Way to go girl!!!
Wuvs you,
Thank you, Jaimee!!
YOU are missed, stop by the Ohio board and catch us up on you.
Thank you, I appreciate [No D's please.. still and always], your support and friendship also.
You've done fantastic also
I am proud of YOU!
write... just cause your way out there now, doesn't mean our friendship has grown distant.
Hugs, love ya girlie!