After 1 year out... what are you thankful for?
Hey guys... I just thought I would find out from you how you are feeling at what you are Thankful for after being one year post op. I think this is the perfect time to reflect these feelings being that it is close to Thanksgiving....
I am feeling great! Had a set back but now everything is wonderful again. I know I can do it! I have come sooo far and I am so proud of myself.
I am thankful for God, my hubbie, my family and my kitty kitty. I am greatful for my home, my wonderful fun job and transportation. I am also thankful that I am alive and I have my health now. I think right now the biggest thing I am thankful for is that the Dr.'s gave me the O.K. to get pregnant. I have wanted to be a mother for sooo long and now I can see it around the corner! I can't wait. OH~ I am thankful for this support system. I don't know how I would have made it through this year without my!!!!!
So... what are you guys thankful for today?

I have been thankful for alot of things. I am thankful that I have my life. I started this journey at 516 lbs. I didn't realize how unhealthy I was till I started going to doctors. I've lost 180 lbs in one year. I have come along way. I am thankful for my doctor (Dr. Marvin), because he has answered every question that I've had. I am thankful to God because he had this surgery planned for me, and I believe that he helped me get healthy to serve him. I believe my purpose in life is to serve my Lord, my Savior. God created the world, and created me and my family and God gave me the cir****tance of changing my life for the better. I am so happy and spiritually fulfilled. I just want to share this with all who are november anniversaries. Thanks
Ramon Castro