What's up?!?!?
Hi everyone! Can you believe we're almost to our one yar mark? Time flies...but what a struggle getting here! I still have days where I can't eat...nothing will go down. Other days, I wonder if I'm eating too much. I've gone from a size 32 to a 10...309 pounds to 168. Very proud of myself, but disappointed at the same time. I don't follow doctor's orders at all. I don't worry about protein or vitamins...one day I'll probably find myself in trouble when it all catches up to me. Just wondering how everyone else is doing and feeling?? Keep up the good work!!!
Hi! Nice to meet you, I don't remember seeing you on here before?
I was suppose to have my surgery on 11.15.04, but the insurance company stalled, and I ended up going in on 11.29.04!!!! I am 117# down since I started this journey!! I started out in 22/24 and am now in 10's also YOOHOO!!! I went from 279 to 162. I'm also very proud of myself, the weight loss has slowed to a crawl. I wouldn't mind losing another 10lbs, BUT if I don't, I like to say I'm happy as a clam right where I am!!! If I could just get plastics, life would be grand...but that scares the bajeebies out of me LOL I do try religously to take my vitamins...when I miss, I get migrains..something I have always fought with. Now lately I have been doing terrible with my water intake, and I still work on protein...I eat alot of homemade jerky, which is high in protein, and gives me that snacking sensation.
Heres to keeping those old demons at bay! I read your profile, I wish you the best at getting pregnant and having a beautiful baby!!!
Hugs, Debi

Take your vitamins and eat your protein. Ok with that out of the way Congratulations on your weight loss. How are your labs?? I one of those who followed all the rules ....??....that's just me too chicken to risk it and I still have probs keeping my iron level up and sometimes my calcium levels drop but I'm watching it closely!
I am down 85lbs and I wear a size 6/8. I am feeling great!! So much energy and I love to exercise regularly!! I am planning on PS soon and I'm really excited about that!!
It is amazing how fast this past year is going!!
~Best Wishes