A moment of truth...I suck!!
Here I am, only 4 days from 11 months post op and I am a little annoyed with myself. I have stopped counting protein intake, I drink fluids throughout the day, but not certain of the oz., and rarely exercise. My weight loss is fine and I know I would be at 100% excess weight loss if I'd jus****ch what I eat a little better. I was snacking and eating lots of things that just aren't good for me. Unfortunately, I don't dump and have no problems with any foods. I haven't paid much attention to portions, but have noticed I work at shoveling that last couple bites in even if I feel full. I have eaten cookies throughout the day and was really grazing A LOT there for a bit. Found myself sneaking bites of my 3 year old's food to "test" it. Was drinking with my meals and not waiting the hour after eating to have another drink. I took it for granted that my weight would just come off no matter what. So, I have slapped myself back into shape and for the last two days have made sure to not drink with meals, focus on the protein and make sure I am getting at least 64oz of water in. I have stopped tracking how much I am losing each month, but I don't think I have lost anything in the last month. Of course, the number bounces around between 141 and 145, so that's probably why I am not noticing a steady loss. I am down 92% of my excess body weight and as far as my surgeon is concerned, I have surpassed his goal and needed to figure out how to slow down anyway. I see him next month on the 21st and really wanted to be at 130lbs, but that is at least 11lbs!! Not likely to happen, which I am sure he will be just fine with anyway. I got on the treadmill yesterday and today and have done my lunges and squats, which always make me feel better. I guess this is just my little moment of truth that I have slipped over the last couple months, but am also aware of what I need to do to get back on track. Everyone thinks if I lose any more weight I will look anorexic, but I think if 130 (or even lower is normal for my 5'3" frame) that's not likely. I am in a size 10 jeans and could probably squeeze into an 8 just fine. I am wearing mostly M tops and feel really good where I am at, but I also realize I can't take for granted I will stay this weight without working at it. Anyway, just wanted to air my dirty laundry and see if others are also getting too comfortable with their WLS or if the majority is still sticking to the plan. I don't feel I am "failing" because I am not gaining weight, but the decrease in weight loss is obviously linked to my homemade chocolate chip cookies!! LOL I think some of it is related to the stress of my miscarriage last month, but I can't use that as an excuse. It is my responsibility to keep myself in check no matter what. Anyway, that's what's going on with me. Now to guzzle down another glass of water before deciding what to eat for dinner. It's a lot harder to re-adjust to no snacking than I thought it would be!! I can't WAIT to eat now! LOL Oh and I just made it into my ideal body weight BMI of 24.9!! I know, by the skin of my teeth, but that is sooooo amazing to me!! YIPPEEE

well Im with ya babe! I can't believe my wls 1yr. date is coming fast . I have only lost 50lbs or so . Im only 5'1 and still weighing 152-154.
Still overweight ! I don't think I will see my goal of 140 by the 22nd of November. So hey be happy you did it ... Your in a healthy bmi women !
I can eat whatever I want too , and don't dump

Wow, you were a light weight, huh?! I think you are doing great and only 12 or so pounds from your goal. Are you following all the rules? Since I started back on protein first, lots of fluids and exercising, I have dropped about 4lbs since 2 days ago!! I think it's really the first drop I have seen in a while! Yeah, the healthy bmi is amazing, but I know in a few months, when we hopefully get pregnant, it will go right back up though. LOL Irony, I say!! Hee,hee. Our 1 year post op visits are a day apart, so we'll have to check in and share how it goes. I am hoping to get down to close to 130, but not sure how feasible that is. Good luck to you!! You are doing great

Erica, Erica, Erica,
I'm glad I came across this post. I have been really good until this weekend. I bought tons of junk, brownie bites, donuts, and candy for my 15 year old's birthday and only 4 of 10 kids showed up. So I passed all that junk hourly on my kitchen counter. And being the past sneek that I was, (and obviously still have lurking in my self.) I averaged about 4 of those things a day for 2 days. Then yesterday I about beat myself up silly in my brain over it. I am up 2 pounds and am back on track. Half the birthday cake went in the freezer and the candy and brownies went to work. But I still feel bad.
I am usually so good. You could call me a goody 2 shoe
about following the rules, until now. I guess that is why it is so hard on me now that I've slacked. So let's you and I get it back together and move on past these screw ups.

Girl, stop baking those doggone cookies!
Don't use your family as an excuse to sabotage yourself. They don't need that junk food any more than you do. I've found that for me, eating refined carbs (like sweets) stimulates my appetite. This is probably contributing to the grazing behavior you're have trouble with.
Make an effort to keep fruit in your house for them to snack on. Little kids love naturally sweet raisins and bananas. If you start teaching your 3-year-old healthy eating habits now, you'll never have to worry about him/her suffering from the same problems that you did. A cookie could be an occasional treat for your family when you go out to the mall or something.
Sue ZQ

Thanks Sue. I send out goodies to family members who live out of state for gifts (birthday, anniversary, graduation, do you miss us yet?, etc) so that's why I was baking. It's hard to stop baking when it's something everyone looks forward to at those special times, but I understand where you are coming from. Since I don't dump, I took advantage of testing and am back on track, but appreciate your concern
We don't keep many sweets in the house and my son would take an apple over pretty much any other food, so he's good. He's always been a fruit and veggie boy!! We took him out to eat the other night and got him spaghetti and green beans. He devoured the green beans (okay, won't even PRETEND I'll try those myself!!) and totally ignored the spaghetti. LOL I've done great the last 3 days and even talked myself out of getting my son a special ice cream tonight (we always get an ice cream when he's sick and has had to go to the doctor's office. He has a horrible ear infection.) and instead took him to the park and gave him a sugar free popsicle when we got home. I knew if I got the ice cream before going to the park, I'd end up holding it (and licking up the dribbles) while he played and didn't want that kind of temptation! Totally proud of myself for that one. LOL Anyway, thanks again!!

You ROCK, girl!!
Congrats on getting back on track. You know, I had to heed my own advice this weekend. I had guests and found myself wanting to graze on stuff I didn't need. There are certain things that I just know I will have to keep out of my house in the future. (Can you say Ruffles with sour cream & onion dip?)
They did say that this is just a tool. What we do with it is up to us. I wish you all the best, Erica.
Sue ZQ

I just made it to my ideal weight too!!! I am in a loose 8 and a size M shirt and I'm 5' 6! I now want to lose at least 7 lbs more and I'll have PS in March. Hopefully the PS will take off a few lbs!! I have not tried to eat sugar yet...too scared but I have started snacking on popcorn in the evening! I still lost weight this month but it's coming off so slowly. I justify the popcorn ....with my working out 4 x a week! I really wanted to eat a muffin this morning ....I wonder when I get to my goal and after i have plastics if I'll start to test the rules!! I'm so afriad of dumping that I haven't tried any sugary things. I love to bake too and during the holidays I'm the family baker. Last year I resisted I hope I can do it this year too LOL!!!
Well Erica I think you are doing great!!!!!!! Give yourself a break!!!
240/155 new goal 147

Don't be so hard on yourself...look what you've already accomplished!!! I also eat all the wrong foods because I don't dump either. I have a problem getting meat down and somedays can't eat much at all. I use this as my excuse to eat junk, convincing myself it's better than eating nothing. I went from a size 32 to a 10, so I guess I'm doing something right. I never follow doctor's instructions, which is horrible. I never worry about protein or vitamins. I'm probably the least to be the poster child for the surgery...but my life has changed so much for the better so I just don't care. I'm happy and that's all that matters. You've come along way baby...be proud!
I just wanted to thank you for being so honest about your eating habits and what was going on. It really made me take a good look at what I was doing and realized I was eating some things that I really shouldn't have either! I have been complaining because I am not loosing weight as much as I was in the earlier months, but I also have not been as determined as I was then! I am now in a 8 and 10 jeans and I am happy as can be. I weight 30 pounds less than I did when I got married and about 5 pounds from highschool weight. I feel like I have made it, but still would like to loose more! Anyway thanks for helping me to get back on track too!! Protein drinks, water, vitamins, meat and veggies. That is all I will be putting in my mouth for quite some time!!! Sounds like you are doing great with the weight loss!! Congrats!! and Keep up the great work!!!!