My question is for people who had ALOT of weight to lose. I had my surgery Nov 17 2004 The day of surgery I weighed 365 pounds. I have lost since my surgery 123 pounds and 55 pounds before surgery. I know the weight lost slows down the closer we get to a year and I hear alot of people talking about being at goal or a couple pounds from goal. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO HAS ALOT OF WEIGHT TO LOSS WILL WE LOSE IT OR WILL THE WEIGHT LOST STOP??????????? My weight loss has slowed way down I've only lost 6 pounds for the month of August. But I was on a 2 week plateau. I have increase my walking and cut down on carbs I eat one piece of wheat toast for breakfast and a mini bag of low fat popcorn. I would appreciate any input. Thanks
I sense the panic in your voice : ) - I know, I know, been living there too for the last month. I finally got to the point where I accepted that if I never lost another pound I would be happy and satisfied.... guess what... as soon as I did that and stopped focusing on my food... dropped another 7 lbs in 2 wks. So I guess we won't know
I think the weight loss is so individual - it depends on so many factors
How much weight you had to lose
How much weight did you lose before surgery ( i think this slows down weight loss personally)
How you gained your weight and over what period of time... we who have been morbidly obese for a long period of time have stubborn metabolisms *****fuse to give up any weight gracefully)
What kind of surgery did you have --- lap band vs. RNY - distal vs. Proximal... etc
What kind of meds or other health issues you have
what kind of activity level do you have
and what kind of family history or predisposition to obesity do you have
Also it seems that some people lose slower over a longer period of time than others - *****ally knows why?
I seem to be one of those slow losers but have also had problems with my labs when I lost fast.. so I am taking it as it comes.... I weighed 316 before surgery... lost 15 lbs before surgery.... have now lost a total of 106 or 91 since surgery... but it is still trending in the right direction and that is what counts..
Good luck... Hang tight.... you WILL prevail
Hi Kay,
Do you have a nutrionist to talk to? You might just need to change up what you are eating. Check with your surgeon or nutrionist. There are people that continue to lose out past two years. It is not over after 6 months to a year. You can continue to lose, they just say the first 6 month is the easiest. Good luck and you will do it.
I've heard it said that the first 100 or so pounds is the surgery the last 20-30 is all us. There is a ratio to consider I'm sure, for those who only had 100 to lose, their last 10 frustrated them to no end, for those who have more the last 30 or 50 are the bain of our existance. Mine has slowed to a crawl, the scale moves once every two weeks or so. But I am doing everything right, eatting good stuff, exercising daily, protein and liquid and vitamin goals met daily. You can try changing a few things, add weight training to your exercise, remove one "bad" food from your house/diet. But in the end just be patient, the honey moon is not over, we are not even a year out. Do you keep a journal? Maybe if its on paper what you are eatting you can see if that is the problem. What is your daily caloric intake, it could be too high, it could be too low. Try journalling you food intake, calories, carbs etc for a week, then get an appointment with your nutritionist and see what they suggest.
Good Luck
Be Patient, 6 pounds a month is still moving in the right directions

I started out at 409lbs. I am now 240lbs. Been here since mid August. I am in the process of journalling on It also has an exercise journal (i hate to exercise - my biggest downfall) but what i also noticed is that I was between 60-90g of carbs a day. My doctor recommends being under 50g. I didnt even realize, it was all those hidden carbs. I am now being very careful. I have upped my protein and exercise. So we shall see.
I have been losing inches since 2 weeks ago tho, I think due to my increased exercise. I have only added more walking time (I don't do it by miles) and started parking further away from stores and work. I think its working.
Just as others have said, my doctor said you can continue to lose for 18+ months but it is up to us to track our intake and keep up with our exercise.