burning in stomach

on 8/26/05 12:37 am - Lake Jackson, TX
Please Help! Yesterday morning I had burning whenever I ate or drank something. At first I was ok well lets see if this will pass. Then it started burning whenever I lifted stuff at work. That worried me. My wife called the surgeon and their office said we should go to the emergency room. I went and did some tests and they said that they think that it is an ulcer. If I understand right, my surgeon told me in the begining that when you do an RNY that it reduces the acid in the stomach and mixes with the food later down in the intestines. If that is true how can I have an ulcer? My regular bypass doc said to make an appointment for an ultrasound to see if it is gall stones or my gall bladder. Has anyone experienced this before? Or does anyone know of anyone who has? I am worried. Ramon
Pam Hastings
on 8/26/05 2:05 am - Sierra Vista, AZ
Ramon: I understand a few people get ulcers after gastric bypass. They can give you medication to help heal an ulcer. However, it could be your gall bladder too. Get an appointment with your surgeon. If it's gall bladder they will remove it, if it's an ulcer they will medicate it. I just had a major hernia repair, I know it is worrisome, but you will be ok. I am ok and healing nicely. Meantime have you tried malox. Doesn't taste too good but will help if its acid in your pouch. Take care and good luck. I also had a friend who had gastric bypass in December, in May he had to have his gall bladder removed (stones). They did his surgery laproscopically and he recovered within three weeks. He is doing great now!!!
Andrea P
on 8/26/05 5:07 am - Montgomery, NY
Hiya Ramon, I am sorry to hear of your pain. I do not have any information or advice to give but I wanted you to know I am praying for you. God bless you and keep you, ~Andrea
on 8/26/05 11:08 am - Elkhart, IN
Hi Ramon!!! Well, just the past few days I have noticed a burning whenever I ate or drank anything!! It isn't really bad though. A couple mornings ago, I even woke up with a pain in my tummy, but I feel good otherwise. It's just been a couple pains here and there, and then these last few days I feel it in my stomach especially when I drink, but its farther up in my abdomen, not low. I don't have a gall bladder so I know that isn't it. I had to take my son to the dr. for a physical yesterday and while I was there, I asked him about this one part on my stomach that was kinda pooching out. Well, it isn't a hernia thank goodness, just cellulite in that area.....lol!! Ha, I was glad to hear that, but it looks kinda gross!! Anyhow, I have had the pain too!! How exactely do they diagnose an ulcer? I will be praying for you and keep us updated!! I have been a little concerned about my pain too, although it isn't too terribly bad!
on 8/28/05 6:13 pm - North Charleston, SC
Experiement. If you think it's an ulcer, take some over the counter prevacid, or just try a few tums/rolaids/pepcid etc. Take some in the morning each day, and/or before you eat. See if the burning goes away. Just because you do not have as much acid, you still eat/drink things with acids in them. For me even citrus flavored waters used to burn. If your gallbladder is not the problem, more than likely your doc will put you on Nexium or soemthing similair, it prevents the burn and helps heal the ulcer. After my bowel obstruction surgery, I kept having what I thought were hunger pains....pains I could not identify but when I fed my pouch it calmed the pains. This worried me cause I didn't "want" to feed the little bugger all the time. When I experiemented with some pepcid chewables it went away with out being "fed"...so I got my doc to renew my pre-surgery nexium, and all is well. Good Luck Michelle
on 8/29/05 10:45 am - Warsaw, IN
I'm sorry your nor feeling well, I've had a ucler not since my bypass surgery But zantac is what my Dr. put me on it helped. I've also had gallstones 23 years ago I believe that was the worst pain I've every had but no burning. I hope the Dr. can find out the problem. Kay
on 9/9/05 11:41 am - WATERBURY, CT
Hi Ramon, It is possible to get an ulcer. It can also be very serious after bypass surgery. Please follow through with this. I guess all surgeons are different. Did your surgeon have you on any type of anti-acid medication after surgery? My surgeon is very strict that everyone must take Protonix 40 mg after surgery for atleast 2 months. Me, I still take it everyday. My primary care physician says I should take it for the rest of my life in order to protect my stomach from ulcers. Sorry you are not feeling well, just please don't let it go. Make sure they do everything to find the source of the pain and treat it promptly. Best of luck! Laura
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