I ate an entire Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizza!

Don't feel bad. I have eaten and entire personal pizza myself. I can't do it all the time, I think it depends on how hungry I am, what else I have eaten and if I have anything to drink. I think it's normal. It's part of choosing wisely. I know I am getting to that stage. I mean I am still SLOWLY losing weight, and I mean SLOWLY. LOL Although I have been told to not lose anymore because I look like a concentration camp victim......Never though I would hear that one! Anyways, don't beat yourself up over it. I think it's normal. I ALMOST feel like I can eat pretty normally now.
Hiya Sharon,
First off, like Erin said, dont beat yourself up. So you ate the whole thing - just dont make a habit of it. Next time maybe get the go go box right away and put half of it away. Maybe also, get a salad and eat some of that first this way you wont be famished when the pizza comes. I think that all of our weight loss has slowed down a lot - we are eating much more normal size portions and now we have to be carefull of what we eat. I see in your profile that you had been going to Curves - make the decision to get back to it - dont procrastinate - the longer we wait the harder it is to get back into it. You have come so far, dont give up now!!! You just need a little motivation - set a small goal for yourself, say even 2 lbs in 2 weeks - then go out and do everything you can to make it happen - make the right food choices - get back into Curves - drink lots of water. We can do anything for only 2 weeks. Once you see how much better you feel and that you WILL lose more weight I am sure you will be much more motivated. Keep us posted on how you are doing!!
God bless you and keep you,
Sharon, Thank you so much for posting. I too have been so down on my self the past week. All of the sudden I can eat sooooo much more. I too was scared I had damaged my pouch or something. I also realized that sugar alcohols make me sick but, good ole' sugar doesn't. Go figure! So, I have eatten M & M's several times this past week. It scares the hell out of me, I don't want to fall back into old habits. I'm going to try to go back to a high protein very very low carb diet and measuring out the foods I eat, and hopefully rid myself of these cravings and break the bad habits. Anyway, thanks for posting, it helps to know others are having the same struggles and worries. Hang in there. And oh, you look great

It's so funny that we are all going through this at the same time. I swear, this week has freaked me out because I feel like I am eating ALL the time! And definitely not good for you foods! I baked some awesome chocolate chip cookies that are being eaten all day long...by me! I also have started drinking with my food lately. I guess I just got so comfortable now post op that I have started to slip on some of the rules. I had my 9 month post op appt and the surgeon was concerned about me losing too fast. I surpassed his goal for me, so he cautioned me to not over exercise or to skimp on meals. Well, I don't ever exercise and am now eating cookies!! Of course, my period is due next week, so I eat more the week before my period anyway, which may be the case with you too. Not to mention, A LOT OF US are emotional eaters and hello, the news lately hasn't been exactly great. I know I eat when I am depressed and watching tv has very little good news lately. I am going back to the basics. Protein first, lowering the carbs, drinking at least 64oz of water, and getting a little exercise in. I am almost at "my" goal and don't want to lose sight of the success I have had so far. Not even for the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. LOL Don't beat yourself up!! We are just coming to the test with this surgery. Will we or won't we make the choices to make this a life long change. You can do it!! Coming here and posting this message proved that to me!!
Hi Sharon,
I hope I am able to provide some comforting words. First, we are SUPPOSED to be eating more these days. We were not meant to survive on 2oz of food permanently. We should be eating 8oz or 2 cups of food per meal now. I guess you'd say the way normal people eat. Figure in the malabsorption from the surgery too. My nutritionist says we probably absorb 40 % of the calories we eat in a day. (Although I believe I absorb them all!!!) Secondly, when I've spoken to my therapist about this subject and the "bad" days, she tells me that we are human and not machines and do not obsess over them. Focus on all the good days and where you have been compared to where you are now. It comes down to this. Every day we have choices-what to wear, what to eat, what to do, what to say, etc. Everytime you prepare a meal for yourself and you'd rather be eating something else( like Pizza Hut pizzas) tell yourself this is your choice. You make this choice for your body, your health, your spirit. When you are done eating and feel physically satisfied and not hungry, you will so thank yourself! Also, when my family is having pizza or something else that is not the best choice for me, I always have a small salad, or 1/2 a grapefruit, etc. first and it really does help me from eating more of the stuff I shouldn't. Keep a positive mind and remind yourself that you are worth being healthy and happy.