9 month check up -- and walking in ONEderland finally!
I haven't seen my surgeon since I was 1 month post-op, because I live 200 miles away. I made a long weekend of this visit and done the Cincinnati OH.com conference also.. What a blast! A bunch of us met for dinner on Friday night, then Sat conference, then onto King's Island after that.. can we say LONG DAY! But so fun!! And YES I FIT on ALL the rides!
ok so my check up went... I signed in and was waiting to be seen... and Dr. Curry walked past the door from the waiting room to the exam rooms 4 times, each time he peered into the waiting room, he had this look on his face, yanno the one, where people think they know you, but just can't quite place ya? LoL His look was priceless.. so I get to an exam room and he told me, I just really didn't know who you were. So we talk, he documents, he asked what I weighed.. said well yesterday I was 200.4, and I'm on vacation soooo, he said in any regards I was doing fantastic. He checked my incision area's as I said I was having a poking pinching thing going on in one area.. no hernia yet, but there is very weak area there. We went over my meds, health issues, I had brought along the shirt I first met with him in, he said, "I want pic's." We talked about my "goal weight" which he said about 168 on my frame. Then he also said that half of that was probably skin. YIKES! but ok, I'm nearing that goal.
So then he sends me to the nurses.. the official weigh in ... dum da dum dum.... 198.2 I am offically in ONEDERLAND! Now this is a big deal for me as I have not weighed this in over 25 yrs! From my highest weight now I have lost 150.6 lbs! Still obese though *sigh* But only a few more lbs till I"m in the normal range now!
So I had to go shopping!
first thing that drew my eye when walking in the store was the jewelry counter.. got me a new diamond ring.. size 7, goes on, but tight coming off.. but 9 months ago I could NOT get a 10 on my finger!
Well just thought I'd drop in and
a little. I think I have done pretty well so far
348.8/318/198.2/ the rest is icing! (well my original goal was just to be under 200, soo)

Hi Andrea!
Thank you!
The one's I took at the conference are ughhlyy of me.. well at least the couple that were on my camers. I am NOT photogenic at all, (sucks). My face to me looks really old, but the body isn't half bad
But a whole lot of people took my pic, so who knows what will come from their camera's, or I'll have my son do a photo shoot
and have Dr. C office send me copies of the new ones. I had my camera in my pocket while running around at the conference ( i didn't sit, i was working there. my job.. meet and greet basically) and the setting got change
and I lost a lot of photo's! anyways, I am going to work on the new pic's very soon. And a FRIEND picked on my baggy drawers, I told her hey don't pick on my size 12 tyvm.
I will keep it up, I am and will continue to work very hard for my goal, as for the 1st time in my life.. I am almost normal (well body-wise
Thank you again!
p/s I know, I know, I shouldn't have rattled on, I'm just supposed to say THANK YOU.. but the weekend had SO MANY good moments!