Wedding pictures!!!
Hi Karry! CONGRATULATIONS on your nuptials, and weight loss success!!! How exciting to be able to have a wedding after losing your weight. My husband and I just celebrated our 25th in June...I can't believe it. I am 44 and he is 50!!! when I read your post I went to look at your look Great!!! I have also posted some new pics. I wish I knew how to do it myself so I could add them as I go. I am also at 172 lbs. and in a size 12...I have not gotten to "dress-up" since losing weight, I can't wait...I bet it was fun.
Sorry for going on...Again, congratulations!!!
Hi Debi,
I must look GREAT too!!! I am very happy that we waited the 5 years so I looked good in my wedding dress!!
We have been together for over 5 years and he bugged me all those years to get married. I knew I waited for a reason!!
I feel really good where I am with my weight. If Iose more great, but if not thats o.k too. Make sense?
Anyway thank you and keep up the great work!
Take care..