How much have you lost??
Hi Carrie,
My surgery was November 29th and I have lost 110 pounds so far. I started at 180 and am at 169 now. My goal weight is 150# so that leaves me with 19 to go. Will I reach it? I don't know. I lose around 7 pounds a month now. I am much healthier and happier and feel good about my loss. Goal would be nice. I eat about the same amount my 5 yr old eats on a hungry day. I can eat between 4-8oz in a meal depending on how dense it is. I don't have problems with anything, but neither do I test the waters to see what I can get away with. I haven't touched any white sugars and I have eaten very few white starches. While the weight is coming off slower, the inches are still coming off. I do find eating off of a small plate vs a dinner plate keeps my portions in check. Congratulations on the weight you have already lost. I am sure you will still lose some if you stick to the rules.
320(highest) 280(Surgery day) 169(current weight) 150(goal)
It sounds like we're all fairly close in numbers. I started out at 260 (my highest), 240 on the day of surgery, and have passed my goal! I'm so thrilled. I weigh 149 (my goal was 150). I'm afraid if I lose too much more I'll look gaunt. I think the key to my success is that I try to eat 80g of protein per day and I have given up ALL desserts, candy and sweet treats with more than 16g of protein FOREVER. I'm just not an "eat in moderation" type of person and found that I just needed to decide that I'll never eat those trigger foods again. I do feel a little sad once in a while when I see someone eating a piece of pecan pie or a cinnamon roll - but not sad enough to go back to indulging and risk gaining weight. I eat fruit, Blue Bunny 85 calorie Yogurt, Heart Smart Breyer's ice cream and Balance Protein bars when I need something sweet. I keep a large can of Honey Roasted peanuts in the cabinet and use them when I need something crunchy. I don't eat any rice, white flour, chips or breads. I do eat potatoes with butter & sour cream and popcorn with Brummel & Brown margarine. I am always satisfied - and really feel like I eat a very healthy diet. I exercise every other day (2 miles of walking and work out with free weights). I have never plateaued, only dumped twice at the very beginning from drinking a protein shake too fast and never had a week where I gained. When I go out for dinner, no one would ever know that I had weight loss surgery. I can eat pretty much whatever foods I want - but usually eat half the meal and take the other half home for lunch the next day. This has been such a pleasant journey and I cannot believe how wonderful I feel. I will always be grateful for this fantastic gift I have been given!!! I'm sure you all feel the same!
Mary B. 260/240/150/149

I had my surgery on 11/29/04 and weighed 409 day of surgery. I am down to 253lbs for a total of 156lbs lost so far. I am still losing about 12-14lbs a month. I have about 73lbs to go to my goal or 53lbs to my surgeons goal. I have dropped from a 34/36 to 18/20 (and even some 14/16s WOOHOO).
I eat about 1/2 c of food every 3 hours (protein first of course) but I am bad about wanting sweets so I try to stay with sf popsicles and ice cream or make my own smoothies with frozen fruit and soy milk.
Congrats on your loss. Keep up the good work.
Hi Carrie. You are doing great. You just keep it up. We're all different people. We lose at different speeds. I'm worried sometimes that I won't stop losing. I've lost 113 pounds since November. I'm wearing 12's and for 5'9" that is great. I can't eat normally still. For dinner I had 1 rib, 1 small ear of corn (half of it), a couple spoonfuls of butter beans, a couple bites of watermelon and that was it. That was the most I've eaten in a while. Now I can have my Crystal Light and later I'll have a protein shake. For lunch I had a Caesar salad and a couple of spoonfuls of apple pie made with Splenda. Food doesn't excite me anymore and I want it to stay that way. lol My weight loss is slowing down though. I'm losing about 2-3 pounds a month now. I hope to lose 10 more pounds just so when I bounce back gaining I will be where I am now. You hang in there and don't stress about it. You've done wonderfully. xoxo Alice
Alice From DAllas
My starting weight the day before surgery was 300lbs I am down to 194lbs thats 106 down, but my weight loss too has slowed down alot. I usually only lose antwhere from 5-8 lbs a month. I know I need to up my excercise and probably my protien. I have not weighed what I weigh now since I was 11 years old so I can say that having this surgery has been a true blessing. I do eat pretty much like a normal person, just depending on the day. I think all of you are doing great! I have to say sometimes I do get dicouraged when I see that so many others are losing more than I but we all are different and are going to lose differently. So just keep pushing on I know that everyday is still a struggle for me to do the right thing.