Hellooooooo November babies..... 9 month check in....
Just checking in to see how all of you are doing.... It takes 9 months to grow another human being... and I am sure that we are all now giving birth to some new and spectacular lives!!!! How are you doing??
1. What was your total excess weight (highest weight - ideal weight or goal weight)?
2. How many lbs have you lost??
3. What % of your excess weight have you lost??? Total lbs lost divided by total excess weight and multiplied by 100.
4. What new thing have you tried or added to your life that you never dared to before??? (can't wait to hear details about some of those positions people : )
5. How has your life changed since surgery????
6. What surprises you most about your new life??
Can't wait to see all your responses.... it will take me a while to respond... will be away from the computer and really want to reach a certain goal before I post!!!
Lovin you all

Ok B,
I'll give this a try:
1. What was your total excess weight -Highest 278, now 153, goal - never had one and I am pretty happy where I am, but maybe 8-10 more wouldn't hurt, so lets just say 145 so I'll be considered normal.
2. How many lbs have you lost?? -125lbs (some pre-surgery)
3. What % of your excess weight have you lost??? 94%
4. What new thing have you tried or added to your life that you never dared to before??? I am a clothes ***** always have been, but even though I used to try to dress sexy I don't think I was quite successful. Now I think sometimes I go overboard and dress a little too sexy for the occasion. Being in 6's and 8's has been the most fun I've ever had and finding bargains has been even more fun. I made a deal with myself that through this process I would never pay more than $20 for any piece of clothing and really kept to that this past year. Now that I think I have gotten as small as I should, I purchased my first "expensive" suit. I really needed an appropriate suit for certain business situations and am very happy I still got a great deal on a very good suit. Ok now I have gotten way past the question. By the way it isn't the positions I have found so different, but my stamina for them is great. I used to get leg cramps in the middle of it all and now nothing which is great.
5. How has your life changed since surgery???? I feel much more content in my own skin, even if it is saggy

Hi Sphinxy one,
I'll give this a shot, although I am actually going to be 8 mo out on Friday, not 9.
1. What was your total excess weight (highest weight - ideal weight or goal weight)? 170#
2. How many lbs have you lost?? 144# (40 of this prior to my surgery)
3. What % of your excess weight have you lost??? Total lbs lost divided by total excess weight and multiplied by 100. 85%
4. What new thing have you tried or added to your life that you never dared to before??? (can't wait to hear details about some of those positions people : ) I guess I would have to say wearing more form fitting clothing and I started a support group. I am getting way out of my normal safe zone meeting total strangers. I am also going to the OH event in Cincy. Going to a convention with a bunch of people I have never met in person is definitely something I never would have done in the past.
5. How has your life changed since surgery???? i have more energy, I eat healthy, I am no longer the fattest person in the room, I don't limit my experiences based on my body size anymore.
6. What surprises you most about your new life?? I am actually succeeding at making life long changes in my habits, I no longer view food as a friend, I now look at my problems head-on and deal with them in a healthy manner. My husband is acting all ga ga over me (tee hee hee.. I love this one!)
Well I still have 2 days till my 8 mo anniversary but here goes:
1. My excess weight starting out (this is to my goal wt not to ideal) is 229lbs.
2. I have currently lost 155lbs.
3. That leaves me having lost 68% of my excess weight so far.
4. Hmmmmm positions, sorry my brain went south! I just got back from a mini vacation with my BF. Anyway, new things include taking up a synchronized swimming class and more bike riding. I ride about 3 miles a day now either outside if not tooo hot which doesnt happen in OK in July or on the stationary bike doing the uphill routine.
5. More energy!!! Go on vacation and not gain from pigging out on junk food.
6. How much I missed going shopping and now I have the energy to go all day again.
Hey Y'all...this is my first time posting to this board so I wanted to give a big shout out to everyone!!
1. What was your total excess weight (highest weight - ideal weight or goal weight)?
Highest 247
Ideal 130
Goal 140
2. How many lbs have you lost?? -84lbs and -112 inches
3. What % of your excess weight have you lost??? 79% (i want to lose 95%)
4. What new thing have you tried or added to your life that you never dared to before??? Water aerobics, shopping again...for cute stuff, dating, letting people take pics of me again.
5. How has your life changed since surgery???? I am getting out and meeting people more. I have also just started dating the most wonderful guy...
6. What surprises you most about your new life?? The reaction on everyones face when they haven't seen me in a while. People keep telling me I am melting away. I just love the compliments!!