-107 lbs, but feel like crap
Hello all fellow November-ites,
I had my 6-month folo today with one of my doc's procedure coordinators. I'm down 107 pounds since surgery, 129 in total.
So the weight loss is going well, though I've been on a plateau these last two weeks or so.
But my biggest complaint is that I often feel like hell. I had an ulcer almost from the very beginning (one mo.after surgery****il May 6, when the scope showed it was gone. I had my stricture dilated that day, and unlike virtually every other patient, woke up in pain that culminated in an ER visit two days later.
But that pain was just worse than the frequent and regular pain I have. I have always attributed it to the ulcer and stricture, but now that they're gone, I don't know what to think. THe pain is generally right where my new stomach is, sometimes down further across my abdomen. I frequently feel nauseated, and nearly every single time I eat, I fell ill. I eat very little, maybe 4 ounces at most, and virtually ALWAYS soft foods, such as yogurt, cottage cheese, soup, soft cubed cheese, crackers. Absolutely cannot tolerate bread or anything even remotely greasy, which is a good thing, I'm sure. But still. Is anyone else having this? It is very frustrating to constantly feel, at teh least, discomfort.
I had an xray, bloodwork, and a CT scan after the ER visit, and my internals are fine. So why do I feel like this? Anyone else suffering, or wishing they hadn't had the surgery?
Thanks for any adn all replies,
In good health,
First of all Heather, do you regret the surgery or the side affects of the surgery??? Sounds to me like you are happy with your weight loss but not with the issues that have been caused by it....
I have a hard time with breads also..but thats a good thing for me anyway...I loved bread, pasta all the good stuff!!! Now I get very sick and have to get rid of it if I eat it. SO I don't....or if I do its like A bite. thats it.....As far as greasy goes well I haven't even tried that because its greasy....
I eat alot of fruits and veggies, some meats (I have a hard time with meat of any kind) cheese, yogurts, soups, etc...I also have days where I can eat more than others. For ex: Last night for dinner I made stuffed peppers. I ate 1/2 of a 1/2 of a small pepper and was fine. I took the other 1/4 to work for my lunch today and threw it up right after I ate it. SO for me its hard because I never know if it will sit well in my pouch or not.
I NEVER regret my surgery, I thank God everyday I had a second chance on life...but I do get discouraged with some of the side effects of it. But I knew way before hand what things could happen so I was prepared.
Good Luck and take care...
311/189/167 goal

I am torn.... vascillate between loving the results and hating the results of this surgery. I have not yet gotten to the point where I can honestly say I feel good -- I feel like something the cat drug around for two days on any given day - especially if I attempted anything like normal activity -- I still need my naps like a new post-op - My blood levels are fluctuating and now it seems that my weight loss has stalled as well. I am in the process of investigating the psychological component of this since I have no where else to go. My surgeon says "each in his own time". I do know that the weight I am at now is approaching scary levels for me since I haven't been this little since college or after some long drastic diet (but only for a minute). I am convinced that we really don't know enough or get enough help with the psych aspects of this surgery.... and for people like me who have been obese for all of our lives.... there are definitely some issues that need to be confronted as we go along. I also just want to be happy again and wake up looking forward to a day.... All of this doesn't mean I want my BP meds back or the pains in my limbs or any of the other comorbids I had goin on... but generally it sucks most days!
Hope things get better for you as well.... I am holding fast to the promise of my surgeon that things WILL get better and for some... it takes much longer than others for that road uphill.... he says he has had some patients who have taken about a year.... a good friend of mine said it took her 9 months before she began to feel good and stop regretting.... I keep that in mind and hope that my entire life doesn't disintegrate along the way!!!
Hi Heather - Boy you've had a rough do of things - I'm sorry to hear this... I think I was luckier - had really no problems (knock wood) except the psychological issues - eating too much, too fast or the wrong food. You're weight loss has progressed really fast. maybe because of the very small amount you're able to eat.
I wish I had good advice for you - but I don't my good thoughts are with you however if that's helpful...
I agree with Sphinxy - we don't get the psych help we need - this is a HUGE change & for all of our advance study & understanding of the issues - until you live it - it's hard to know exactly what you'll experience.
Again, my good thoughts are with you

Hi ladies,
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Thanks for the prayers and support, I really, really appreciate it.
To Sphinxy, hang in there. I was relieved and SADDENED that someone else feels like what the cat coughed up. I haven't had anybody tell me it takes more than six months to feel better, so your reply gives me hope that maybe I'm (we're?) a slow healer. Good Lord I hope so. Because I am SOOOOOOOOOO tired of feeling like this.
To Karry, yes, I really DO regret the surgery. If I had to do it over again, knowing what I know now, I would have tried to have the lap band instead. I wouldn't have had the stricture or the ulcer and I believe I wouldn't feel as ill as I feel. As far as preparing for complications, you can't. You can only hope they don't happen. While the weight loss is nice, it doesnt' make up for the fact that my nearly 5-year-old daughter asks me everyday, Mommy, does your tummy hurt today?
Best to all of you,