How Much?
Hi Gang,
I have some questions. I am sure I could find these questions if I searched through all the other posts but I have zero time for that and my computer is acting up... so Im sorry for the repeat questions:
I am 5 months out and have lost 103 pounds. I currently weight 215 pounds.
1. How many carbs a day?
2. How many fats a day?
3. How many proteins a day?
4. How many calories a day?
I am going to start using on a daily basis and really start tracking everything I put in my mouth and want to know what to shoot for.
Thanks guys!
Anne, My question to you is who cares about carbs, fats, proteins or calories you have lost 103 pounds in 5 months that's great.
I have only lost 76 pounds in 5 months.
After my surgery I was told I needed
81 grams of Protein a day
no more than 13 grams of fat per serving
no more than 2 grams of sugar per serving
she said not to count calories, or carbs
I just asked this very question to my dietician yesterday, go with what your's tells you, but this is what I was told:
Don't worry about calories. Just stick to your protein level, 4-5 gm/fat per meal, and stay within 30-45 gm/carb per day.
Your portion sizes should be about 3/4-1cup per meal and you should be eating about 3-4 meals a day.
Well, I went back to her and said, "so do I push more food in to get to 3/4 - 1 c of food in, or just keep listening to my pouch." Her reply: ALWAYS!! LISTEN TO THE POUCH! If you over eat you'll stretch the pouch more than it should. Just count your lucky stars yours is still small!
Hope this helps if even just a lil bit, but please follow your own Dr's instructions.