Prayers need - what a bad week!
Hi all - I am trying to pull myself out of the funk - really I am - good news is things have now gotten so bad I've lost my appetite.
had to take a cat to the vet today - has renal failure of unknown origin. They are trying to rehydrate her so they can see what might be going on - but... well - I'm holding out hope but everything I read on the internet says only bad... Don't know what poisoned her - she's indoor cat - so no antifreeze.
My boss sent me a VERY unhappy letter - she's turned over one of my projects to a co-worker - She has been building a case to make me look/feel incompetent - I'm not - nor am I perfect - It's a non-ability related issue... and many of the management team is in the same boat currently - I feel like an easy target though - low confidence...
Then at about 4 I got a call that my dad is in the hospital - just had heart surgery a week or so ago & now they think he's got clots in his lungs or something - having difficulty moving air... they seem to think it's pretty serious - how serious I'm not certain - But when I called him I started sobbing over the phone - Told him - "Please don't die..." between great sobs - I'm sure that was very encouraging....
I'm sorry - I will post in happier times too I promise - This has just been a really hard/stressful few weeks.
Prayers - or good thoughts sent out to whomever/whatever you believe would be so appreciated, for my fathers health, my cat's recovery, & that I can somehow find the way to live up to my bosses expectations & make some sort of recovery here until I find another job - Oh, got turned down on one job I applied for - heard that news today also - was very hopeful that I might have other options.
Blessings to all of you & really I'm not usually so sad - I am actually usually a very positive and generous person... Very poor me right now though... Please have an excellent weekend. Eat healthy!
I'm thinking about you. That sounds like an awful week. I think you should turn the tables on your boss and start keeping records on her. Save the letter that she sent you and start saving EVERYTHING. Voicemails, e-mails, etc. Let her give it to you in writing. Know that your poor kitty is in the best possible care and that's the best that you can do. I had a dog that died of kidney failure and it was heartbreaking. I hope that your Dad gets better quickly. Pumolary Embolisms are something that you can recover from. A friend of mine here is 23 and has had 2 of them already. She's lost about 70% of one of her lungs due to the first one. She has a blood protein disorder. Just keep your chin up, surround yourself with positive thoughts, bright colors, happy music.
I'm so sorry about the hard time that you've been having lately. We all go through funks but you've been having a particularly horrible month I'd say. First, I'm sorry about your kitty. I hope that the vet can find the cause of the kidney problems. Second, I'm praying for your dad. It's ok that you cried - he knows how much you love him. Keep us up to date - he'll be better soon. I wish him a speedy and full recovery. Third, I'm so glad you're looking for a new job. It sounds like a horrible place to work. What with that creepy co-worker that is always trying to make you feel bad and your boss trying to undermine you, you're right to get out of there. Keep looking, a job will come up. Remember in all of this to take care of yourself. If you're not healthy then you won't have the reserves you need to get through it - we're here for you!!
Much love to you and your family,
Hi everyone - I went to see my father today - they have checked his lungs and legs for clots & found none. They are checking his lungs for other reasons that he might be out of breath and monitoring his heart. His spirits were good and we had some nice time to sit and talk.
The cat is still very sick but she ate a little baby food today from my finger - our vet is great about letting me come by & be with her for awhile.
I am still very desperate and concerned about work & welcome all good thoughts and prayers that the right job will find me - and soon - I have huge concerns about making my house payment and bills (of course who doesn't have these concerns I am also praying for guidance in finding the right footing and words when speaking/working with my boss over the next weeks.
I ate much better today - though my stomach is kind of sore from worry so soft foods have felt best... and a few animal crackers.
Thank you to all of you for your ongoing good thoughts - I really appreciate it - It has been kind of a lousy month - but each day - through all I have found something to laugh or smile about - though admittedly once or twice it's been a bit of gallows humor.
I am wishing all of you much continued success, and compassion
Many blessings - and thank you for your kindness
Boy you have had a bad week. I am sorry to hear about all of it.
I hope you Dad gets stronger and they find the trouble and fix it quick. We have been dealing with a sick Dad for a couple years and it sucks.
I know how you feel about your kitty, I am so attached to my dog that I would be so depressed if anything happened to him.
Work - well that just stinks. I hate bosses like that. Maybe you should start to look, if just to get awy from the evil boss and relieve soem of the stress.
All I can offer is thoughts, prayers and hugs!
I'm so sorry Pamela to hear about all of your troubles. I will so definately keep you and your Dad in my prayers. I've too had a horrible 2 weeks. But i'm not going to go into it. Just to say it's been very stressful. I know your pain. God will see us through it.
God bless! and feel better.
222/158/120 BMI 30.9