Emotional Clothes Shopping
Well all had a really bad weekend and to make myself happy, I went and bought some new clothes. Took some pictures because you know how I am Just wanted to share and I think I will be calling the pysch for a follow up visit because something happened this weekend and I really had an emotional breakdown. I never expreienced this sort of angst even before surgery Well feel somewhat better now and thanks all for listening.
I have noticed many psychological challenges since losing 103 lbs. As a man, I used to think weight was security from physical contact. So now I could be defenseless. (ridiculous, but real thought.) Looking 'Sexy' leads to more challenges of "getting hit on" from women, especially since I am a Singer and all around entertainer, www.ronleone.com. My wife is somewhat jealous of my appearance, especially when I work out of town, (which I do a lot). My body being physically altered had a depressive effect initially, but it didn't last long. I also find that I am more emotionally sensitive and am easily brought to tears by what we call in NY "senseless acts of kindness." I've even cried watching tragic news on TV, whether I know the person or not who was most affected.
I see a "Shrink" once a month to grow in my understanding of myself, and how to deal with (not cope with) cir****tances that upset me.
Keep up the good work. My "Shrink and I have become great friends.
Ron Auriemma, NY and Florida
Toya, You look very beautiful in your new clothes.
Sometimes our heads don't travel the same road as our bodies. This is a tremendous journey we are going on that brings up so many issues for us.
Talk to someone...even a counselor if you need to. I cry regularly...sometimes for no reason. Lost my coping mechanism for dealing with stress--food.