102 lbs gone from November 1, 2004 to April 1st 2005 (5 months)
I followed the Doctor's instructions; had clear liquids only for 12 days; soft foods for 18 days; lost almost 40 lbs in that time period (30 days).
Oct 31, 2004 282 lbs. April 1st, 2005 180 lbs.
I am on real food. I don't eat pasta, rice, or potatoes. If I can't shovel it, I don't like eating it. I'm eating mostly ground meat, chicken, turkey and fish. Vegetable juice, some fruit (1/2 banana in cereal) I rarely eat cereal (too many carbs).
I eat eggs, and occasionally melba toast rounds with a cup of tea. I love tea with splenda and coffee-mate. Earl grey, Lipton's, Tetley or Salada it doesn't matter, I drink 4 to 5 cups a day. I Mostly drink Crystal Light, the Sunrise, or Pineapple/Orange flavors. That's as close to orange juice as I get except when I occasionally eat an orange.
Stay healthy everyone. I haven't weighed 180lbs since I got out of the Army in 1965. 40 years of overweight gone! I no longer take medication for Diabetes. I walk more for exercise.Sometimes I take some stairs (I live 14 flights up). I'm 60 and sexy.
Way to go......doing a happy dance for you. You sexy thing!!!!! I drink mostly water...lots of water. I do not eat rice-pasta-potatoes or bread.....none....zero.....nope....no way. I do drink a liquid Isopure daily and another protein shake everyday.....I have 2 different types of Nectar shakes...I mix them with crystal light. I try to stay positive.....I have had head hunger lately. And my hunger level is returning....I get rid of it with protein drinks like Isopure. Life is good Ron..........enjoy everday. Sandy in Tucson 87 lbs down.......forever.
Good girl Sandy,
My wife keeps telling me what a sexy man I am. It's flattering, but I'm not good responding to flattery. I don't get hungry, head or otherwise, except that I do interpret a slight ache in my stomach as a sign of hunger and I eat accordingly. I was always an Atkins proponent so I eat a lot of eggs, chicken, Turkey, fish and usually ground beef only and sparingly. I drink a lot of tea, Hot, and crystal light. I drink mostly water when I am at my singing jobs. Today I was down 103lbs (one more pound.) I hope to stop at between 165 and 170, and then increase my caloric content until I can maintain it. Best wishes, and keep up your planned eating and vitamin consumption. I take 2 Viactive calcium chewable tablets, 1 Centrum chewable one a day tablets, and a combination sublingual (under the tongue) B-12, B-6 and Folic Acid, with biotin.
I had many suits and slacks tailored about a month ago and now they are somewhat loose. Oh well, I guess there always have to be downsides, but they're worth it.
Vivactiv is not the best calicum for you after surgery it has calories plus it is calicum carbonate......our boddies only absorb calicum citrate. I get my calicum citrate at GNC. We need 1800 mg of calicum daily. I take 4-5 pills a day if I am not using dairy products. Our bodies does absorb calicum carbonate like it could before surgery. I had some vivactiv....I like the carmel ones, but I finished them off, now it strictly calicum citrate. ok Sandy
Wonderful news!! You're doing wonderful!!! I love water!! I drink at least 60 ounces per day, and I also love Diet Snapple Peach tea!! I can't drink Crystal light, for some reason it gives me heart burn!!!
Doesn't it feel great, to weigh what we haven't in a very long time??? I am getting excited every week when I try something smaller on, and it fits!!!! By summer, it should be even better!!!