Here recently I've had this "thing" happen, maybe once a week or so. I'll go along eating normally, then there will come a day when I feel a constant gnawing in the pit of my ... um, pouch ... which feels like hunger. I'll eat something if it's snack time, or a meal if it's mealtime, and the gnawing goes away. But then overnight something happens, and the next morning I feel like there is a knot in my throat just above the notch in your collarbones, I can barely eat anything, and I better be DARN careful what I do eat because there's an excellent chance it will come back up. I do a lot of "frothing" on those days too, just spitting up foamy stuff.
I started taking OTC generic Pepcid yesterday, twice a day, and today I feel fine but can't eat a lot -- I'm eating about the amount I could eat right out of the hospital. Any ideas? Yesterday was the second day of a "thing" cycle...
343/250/whatever I end up at