Has anyone had the flu since having surgery?
My daughter on Thursday tested positive with the flu type B. I didn't know there was different types till then. Well now last night I started getting a really bad headache and now I am constantly getting sick. Only problem is I can't vomit all I do is dry heave. Okay I know too much information. But can we take anything for this? Or do I just have to let it run its course?
Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Michelle 311/236/145
My husband went to the doc yesterday and has the flu too. My doc put me on liquid tamiflu so I don't get it. I checked witht he pharmacist and my surgeon and it is ok. Tylenol cold/ flu products are great too. I've taken them also with no problems. Hope you and your daughter get better soon.
I got a stomach flu at about 5-6 weeks post op!! It was horrible! Since everything goes through you so fast, you probably won't actually "vomit" but the diahreha makes up for it 10-FOLD! Just try to make yourself as comfortable as possible and Immodium helped tremendously. Sorry you are having to go through this. It's just the time of year I think. My son currently has another stomach bug and I am praying I don't get it!!
Thank you everyone that responded I appreciate it.
Today I am really trying to get my fluids in. Yesterday anything I drank or ate would make me so sick. And your right, I can NOT get sick. I just dry heave. And man that is annoying!
Well back to rest, I just wanted to say thank you. And my husband has errands to run..like going to get me some of that medicine. Just to help with the aches and pains.
Thanks again,