Formula to calculate percentage of weight loss
I found this on another post and thought everyone here might be interested.
Figure it this way: what weight would make you have a BMI of 25? That is your ideal weight (due to the dense bones). Subtract that from your pre-op weight. The answer is your (original) excess pounds. Divide the number of pounds you have lost by your excess pounds--you will get a decimal. Round off to two places and add a % mark.
I started at 271 I want to be at 145. I have lost 50 pounds so I have lost 40% of my excess weight. Go me!!
Wow - cool little formula here!! I have lost 67% of my excess weight!
I like seeing new things like this - February was a tough month for me weight loss wise. I had the plateau so far going a week and a half without losing a lb. - I lost 6 lbs in the whole month where in the month previous I lost an average of 3 lbs per week. I am happy to say that I seemed to have picked up momentum again, lost 2 lbs in the past 3 days so I am feeling better. But seeing this new formula and the percentage of ecess weight I have lost helps too. Its nice to get a new perspective.
I continue to set little goals for myself along the way. My next goal is 3 lbs away - to be the same weight as my husband. After that my next goal is to be under 150 lbs, then under 140 lbs, then to be NORMAL weight at 136 with my final goal being somewhere between 125 and 130. I cant believe I only have 21 lbs to go to be NORMAL WEIGHT!! It just doesnt seem possible!! LOL
God bless you and keep you,