Labs at the surgeons??!!!
OK... it seems to be that time to do lab tests to really see how we are doing?? I just found out that I have some critical values ..... how are you all doing with your labs???
And I still feel like I am dragging under a huge weight - exhausted! even though I have lost about 50 lbs since surgery....65 since Sept...
How are you all doing with labs, tiredness, depression??
Hey B,
I don't get my labs done until the 6mo. visit. I have been feeling pretty good although I'm pretty tired around 6pm. I'm pretty careful to get in all of my vitamins, etc. I've been taking iron, 2 flintstone vitamins (lol) & calcium. Have you been getting enough iron? What did your doctor say? Will increasing your suppliments do the trick?
Good luck with everything!!

I had my labs done before my last doctors visit and she said my iron was a little low and put me on vitron c. I was already taking a multivitamin but she added in B-12 and folic acid as well. I still get tired but not as much as I was a month ago. The funny thing is even though I get extremely tired I still have a hard time sleeping. I go to the doctors next week and I am going to ask about being tired and not sleeping. Also I think I am going to ask for a bone density test so that I can track whether I am getting enough calcium in the future.
My doc also waits until my 6 mo check up to do labs. But I take iron,calcium, 2 flintstone vits too
, b-12 twice a week, and I just added a 2500 mcg of biotin to strengthen my hair.
I'm feeling pretty good though. Before surgery I needed a nap almost everyday in the afternoon. Now i'm good til at least 11pm.
222/172/120 BMI 33.6
Lap RNY 11/10/04

Did they add to what you're taking to get your numbers better?
I just came from my 3 month follow up and he did labs. Will do them again at the 6 month mark. Everything is looking good.
If I don't get 8 hours sleep /night I'm dragging the next day. Then I get very emotional. I start to cry and the hubby runs to hide.
I'm getting around a lot better but the cold weather makes it tuff on my knees - tho they do feel better.
best wishes

Hi there,
My doctor does labs at 1 mo, 2 mo, 3mo, and then in May! My first one was fine 2nd one low B1 and iron, 3rd one low in iron! I sorry to hear you are so tired!! I know you have others issues but I hope the Doc can help you feel more energetic!! I have been lucky I feel great, no depression and no fatigue! I'm taking more iron and I'll have labs done again at the end of April!!
Best Wishes to you,