A physical journey????

on 2/24/05 12:11 am - Redlands, CA
This journey is quite amazing and continues to be so, but as the pounds drop and my bones come to the surface..... it seems so do lots of other psychological issues!!! Old relationships have resurfaced I am confronting things that have literally lain dormant for years. I have finally brought things out in the open that have remained secrets for years.... it feels good and panicky at the same time! Will I do it differently this time? Do I really need to give things a second chance??? Oh my goodness the soul searching!!!!! And OooooooooH! the anger! It is simply frightening how quickly it can be ignited! and how fierce I can be!!! Am I just hyper aware?? Have I always been this way? I don't think so. Conversely some other things do not rattle my cage in the slightest.....sometimes I can clearly see that some things are not my issues and leave the mess for those *****ally need to clean it up. Funny how I never noticed how much distance there was between me and the world. People talk to me now! During the past week as I was lugging boxes of material to my classes --- three different men on three different occasions stopped to offer their help. Now I have been doing these classes for a while and never have I had such offers! People say hello.... look me in the EYE.. and sometimes actually start a conversation. Was I invisible before??!!!!! I know this walk is different for everyone, but I am simply astounded with the changes and insights that are coming fast and furious. Hang on! I think its gonna be a bumpy ride!!! B
Megan B.
on 2/24/05 1:04 am - wakefield, RI
Wow.... Thanks for sharing! I can totally identify with you in many ways. A close friend of mine who I trust dearly gave me the heads up on my transformation..... She told me that a year ago, I didn't dress as nicely as I do today, my hair looked awful (in my face...I was hiding), and I didn't talk or smile as much. Now, my posture is better, I look at people when they are talking to me, I got a haircut, and my wardrobe is looking better. I can wear heels again! My skin is clearer and brighter! I smile more now because ...I'm happy! It's human nature for people (strangers) to be drawn to happy people. Unfortunately, we all have visual first impressions and if we see someone who "looks" like their life is out of control, then we want to stay clear of that person. But if we see someone that looks like they know what they're doing and they know where they're going.....it's like you have to fight them all off! The most important thing to remember is that your issues whether they are childhood issues, past relationships, anger, frustration or sadness...are YOUR issues to resolve. I have to remind myself quite often because it's easier for me to get mad at an innocent man (that wouldn't look at me 3 years ago but suddenly realizes that I exist)...then to look at myself and take responsibility for the person I am becoming. We all want to say that we're the same person we were before we lost weight but guess what? We're not the same! We are different! I mean, obviously, we are the same person but we have changed so much about ourselves that there is a part of us that is scared because everything is so new. Keep reaching out for help or use us as a bouncing board to get these fears and concerns out in the open! I know I appreciate your honesty and it's helped me in my own life. Take care Megan B
on 2/24/05 9:25 am - Mountains of, CA
I find already that I'm less tolerant of things that I perceive to be taking advantage of me issues & I feel a little more confident in my knowledge related to my skill set (Marketing) a little less willing to be run over - I haven't yet had to deal with any heavy emotion stuff - but I'm sure after a few more pounds it'll start surfacing - I feel it already... The biggest thing is I really am an emotional eater... Not completely comfortable with my alone self tend to wan to graze in the evening after my spouse goes to work. The men thing - that's a little weird for me - but I am definatly getting the can I help you stuff & direct looks now... Keep sharing - this is both a mind and body journey.
on 2/28/05 12:16 am - Richmond, MI
I have other issues that are bothering me and I am not sure how I will handle them when I look them in the eye. Mainly I am finding the same as you B, people seem to "notice" me more as well. But the struggle I am having is with my family. Mainly my mom, she is so nice to me now, more so than ever and last week for the first time in 10 years she took my picture. Her house is filled with pictures of my whole family but none of mine are from the last 10 years (my biggest). Now I am a person to her again. And it is so confusing, do I embrace this new relationship or do I become angry??? What to do??? I want so bad to have only good relationships in my life, but how do I forgive?? I have never judged anyone on their looks, but my mom bases her life on "how" people look when she describes someone it always starts with, You know so & so she is so tiny or you know him the BIG one. I am noticing so much more now! Thanks for listening, it feels good to get this out......no one belives me unless they are going through it, like so many of us on this board. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!!
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