Greetings Everyone,
I would like to know if anyone has tried a small glass of beer yet? I had a rough day with eating and my stomach was a bit in a turmoil. I had about 1/2 cup of beer and it settled my stomach right down to the point I was able to go about my evening without the usual discomfort. Now I know alcohol is a no no but I can't remember why, can anyone please tell me? I understand why hard alcohol is because of the potential of ulcers as with caffeine. I certainly don't want to make this a habit but you wouldn't believe the instant relief I felt.
Hi there, Alcohol is a big no-no for several reasons. If you have questions, ask your doctor.
1.) We have limited room, we should use it for things that are good for us and provide nutrition...protein first, then vegs.
2.) The carbonation in beer and sodas will expand your pouch over time limiting your absility to restrict your eating.
3.) It is high-calorie and won't help your weight loss. Pretty much all high-calories liquids can derail weight loss because they won't fill you up as much as "real" food, so you can take in a lot of calories.
4.) You can get high quicker with a small stomach and make bad decisions.
5.) Alcohol can be dehydrating...dangerous in the first six months after surgery.
We're better without it.