Don't try this at home :-D
I made a huge mistake - was having a bad food day - nothing felt good nothing tasted good - you know those days... so what I decided was to have a SF Carmel Nip (these are soooooo good) - & I felt better - so I ate another & another & well - you know old binge habits die hard - Really this is the first time since surgery that I couldn't stop myself - usually my food of problem is potato chips - but they make me really sick now after two - so anyways I digress... so I ate the whole box of Nips - they're SF - no worries right? In the middle of the night - I was soooooooooo sick - spent two hours in the bathroom - NOT fun - I figure it was dumping - but - it was my first experience with that - & here's to hoping LAST - so.... may I recommend moderation
Don't we all have these lessons to learn
What have been yours so far?

Hey Pamela,
First of all, you are human. Everyone has "bad food days". That's life. We just have to learn how to not make habits of them. Don't beat yourself up too much about that. Ok, now, I don't think it was dumping. What I do think is that many sugar free products(hard candies, cough drops, protein bars, cookies, ice creams) contain sweeteners like Maltitol which if taken in excess have a laxative effect! The other name for it is sugar alcohols. My system is very sensitive to them. I like the General Mills Momentum protein bars, yet they contain 11 sugar alchohols. I cannot eat them alone. I must have something else with them, like some cottage cheese first. If I eat them alone, my stomach/intestines are rumbling, noisy, bloated and then mad dash for the bathroom! You may be sensitive to them also. Jus****ch the nutrition facts on packages and watch for Maltitol and/or sugar alcohols. Have a sf Nip from time to time, honey, just don't have the whole box! I hope this is helpful!

My biggest lesson so far has been to eat slowly. For whatever reason I have a lot of trouble with that - I guess old habits do die hard!! I chew my food ok I think, but I dont really wait all that long between bites (its so hard to do!! LOL) so that full feeling/pressure in pouch comes on me suddenly and I have to stop. I think I have over eaten a few times because I have gotten nauseas for no other apparant reason except for eating too fast.
Where do I start? There was that time when I ate too much fried rice. And then there was that time that I didn't want to take the batter off of the fish that I ate....and then I ate too much scrambled eggs..
My lesson learned? I think NOT! I do this to myself at least once every two weeks and I throw up. Not only that but it's the belly aching for 2 hours before I finally throw it up! It's a wake up call for me when I'm sick but then I "forget". No, I don't forget, I ignore. I am addicted to over eating. Plain and simple. It's an awful addiction, isn't it?
Good luck to you in the future! We can do this! It's a choice. Choices are the hardest things to do in the world!!
Take care..
Megan B