Surgeons and other doctors- VENT

on 1/31/05 8:18 am - Aurora, IL
Ok, I am so frustrated at the lack of care I have been receiving from my surgeon and PCP. I have been having pain in my 'pouch' area (below sternum/ribcage area) about a couple weeks out of my surgery. MY SURGEON has been stating it is nothing, blah blah.. then as I'm still having pain 8 weeks out he still is not taking my pain seriously... in fact he keeps stating its 'fibromyalgia' pain.. BS. 1) FM trigger points are NOT located there 2) I have had my FM doctor test my muscles in that area to see if it was muscle pain/spasms that I was feeling.. and guess what- it isn't. Finally after I *****ed about it loud enough he 'agreed' to do A TEST. What test does he pick, an Upper GI. And the only reason he 'agreed' to do the test at this point was since I was loosing insurance come Feb. 1st. He stated otherwise he would have waited another month! Well I ended up in the ER last week because I was in so much pain and so 'sick to my stomach' that I was gagging on food and water.. I couldn't get it down. This happened in the PM and it was still like this in the AM. So that morning I WAITED to call my surgeon first thing (which the receptionist gives me a hard time when I try to speak to him ASAP- even tho he's in clinic) and finally when I get ahold of him told him my pain issues and how I thought I should go to the ER, he agreed. I get there and they do tests for my gall bladder and to see if I had any leaks (ultrasound and Cat scan w/out any dye). They tell me everything is normal. So I ask the ER doc about GERD, ulcers, etc. He said the only way to tell if it's an ulcer / small stricture is to do an endescopy. Well my surgeon said 'no' to this test so they sent me home. No pain meds- nothing! The ER doctor stated it might be due to the way I was 'rearranged' and to talk to my surgeon. I TRY to call my surgeon the next day to go over what I should be doing for this pain and I get no call back, I get attitude from the receptionist ("well he talked to lots of people yesterday...") and finally I get an angry call back around 4:30pm... even though he was in clinic when I called! He states that it can't possibly be an ulcer in my old stomach or ulcers in general since he 'cured' that by his method of surgery... then we argued and he stated to take nexium to see if that helps. Then the bariatric coordinator called afterwards (since we paged her several times as well) stating that it most likely is duodnom (sp?) ulcer-the old stomach- causing the pain and that it is rare. She suggested Nexium as well (since I had left overs from my GERD pre-op). So I have been taking Nexium since last Thursday and I've had some pain relief- but not a lot. THEN my surgeon calls my PCP (today right before my followup with my PCP) stating that there is nothing wrong with me and that she should disregard my complaints of pain! Her reply is, well he's the surgeon so I have to take his word on this. Can you believe it?! I have spent the weekend reviewing the OH library and found that there were several people with my same symptoms that found out they had ulcers 1) that weren't found via Upper GI- only by endescopy and that 2) their doc's were also giving them issues. I am so frustrated as I don't even want to go to my 'follow-up' with him.. it's not like he'll take anything I say seriously. Plus I have been getting contradicting information from him and the bariatric coordinator like with food, etc. I trust her much more than him as she's had the surgery herself and works with all the bariatric surgeons. I was so upset with my PCP that it went directly to humourous disbelief! I started trying to hide my laughter at her incompetence or insecurities- whichever it was that I saw today- then I was getting so flustered as I realised that any questions or concerns I had she had no desire to look into. I just hope that it is an ulcer and that in time w/Nexium this will heal. My PCP was like, well it most likely isn't an ulcer since your surgeon said you can't get ulcers, blah blah. Since I've had this consistently since surgery I wouldn't think it would be a 'quick inflamation' etc, etc. Grr. So I'm venting and I'm sorry; I'm just so tired of dealing with the medical community and I hope no one else has to go thru what I'm going thru.
on 1/31/05 8:30 am - Kearney, NE
I'm soooo sorry you are getting the run around!! I understand your frustration!!! It is really hard dealing with Dr's sometimes - because many think they are right at any cost!! It's too bad you have had to deal with all of this pain! I hope the meds they gave you help!!! All I know is that you know your body better than anyone else and if this doesn't go away I would keep pushing and pushing until you figure it out!! Even if that means changing Dr's!!
on 1/31/05 8:37 am - Elkhart, IN
Oh this just makes me MAD!!! Are there any other Bariatric Doctors anywhere around you?? Even within driving distance?? If so, I would consider getting a second opinion!! That is just ridiculous!! We KNOW are bodies and with the research you have done, you know something isn't right...Just my opinion, but I would definitely be finding a new PCP!! That is just me though....I sure hope you feel better Jennifer!! I will keep you in my prayers!!
on 1/31/05 10:59 am - Aurora, IL
Thank you very much! Unfortunately my surgeon's followup visits are 'free' since my surgery paid for 6 mo. of followup and I no longer have health insurance so I have no choice on getting a different doctor... why I'm even more frustrated. Sigh. Thanks so much for the support! I am just trying not to dwell on my issues right now as that just makes me feel worse .. venting has helped get out my anger so I thank you all for letting me post it! Today has been a bad day for me overall, but I have one great doctor I see for my back/spine issues- he's awesome! 1 out of 3 is better than 0 out of 3 so I am thankful for that! I think I'm going to sign off for a bit and try to meditate/veg out.
So Blessed!
on 2/1/05 1:12 am
It IS possible to get ulcers post WLS surgery. My surgeon says that parts of your intestines that are rearranged are not accustomed to seeing strong stomach acid, so as a precaution she puts all of her patients on meds to prevent ulcers, GERD and similar symptoms for the first 6 months post op. She also prescribes meds for nausea to be taken as needed. I don't know which is worse...for one doctor to tell another to ignore a patient's pain or for the other doctor to listen to him. Doctors' egos probably kill more patients than disease. He may be fearful of a lawsuit. My suggestions: I would start looking for a new PCP today. If you know for sure that you are stuck with this surgeon, you may need to change your strategy in how you communicate with him and his office staff. Even though you are physically uncomfortable and they have not acted professionally, try to be polite when you deal with them. If you don't get results speaking to them, write a letter detailing all of your symptoms and everything that has transpired to date. Explain that your intent is to not attack, but to obtain relief from your pain. Ask what else can be done to diagnose the cause of your pain. Send it registered mail to your surgeon's office. This should get their attention and hopefully a prompt response for you. Take care.
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